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A Second Chance at Forever (Eleanor and Bernard) novel Chapter 1505

Eleanor held the wedding invitation in her hands, a smile of relief spreading across her face as she read the name of the bride. Peterson, the middle child of the family, was finally getting his heart's desire.

The wedding was a spectacle fit for a fairy tale, set on a night where the moonlight spilled across the castle's lawn, illuminating the grandeur within. Inside, the celebration of the century was unfolding.

Peterson, the groom, stood tall and handsome in a tailor-made black tuxedo, a white rose pinned to his lapel, his gaze fixed on the bride with eyes brimming with love.

Starry, the bride, was radiant in a white gown that seemed to be worth a kingdom's ransom, adorned with countless sparkling diamonds that glittered under the lights like a constellation brought to earth.

The venue was packed with guests from around the globe, the air buzzing with lively chatter, the scent of fine cuisine, and the clink of wine glasses—a perfect night in every way.

As the string quartet played a melodious tune, Peterson took Starry's hand and led her to the altar. They exchanged rings, recited their vows, and then...

Peterson cradled the back of Starry's head and kissed her deeply, the kind of kiss that seemed to declare to the world the years of patient waiting.

After the kiss, he turned to the little flower girl beside them, Starry's daughter Beth, and said, "Do you accept me as your stepfather, Beth?"

Beth, who had grown up fearing the role of 'father' due to her own father's violence towards her and her mom, felt differently about Peterson. He had always been kind to her, discreetly slipping her money, visiting her at school.

She knew her "Uncle Peterson" cared for her mother, even if he wasn't good at showing it. Now that he was finally with her mom, she, as their daughter, naturally offered them her blessing.

Under Peterson's steady hand, Beth nodded with a smile, "Then I'll start calling you 'Daddy' from now on."

Peterson's lips curled into a smile, his eyes shining with happiness as he shifted his gaze from Beth to Starry, whose face was streaked with tears. Gently cleaning her tears, he pulled her into his embrace...

As they held each other, fireworks burst in the sky outside the castle, their brilliant colors illuminating the night, mingling with the moonlight and stars to cast a magical glow over the family of three at the altar.

Beneath such a beautiful tapestry, Peterson, with one arm around Starry and the other holding Beth's hand, looked up at the night sky with his family. In that moment, he silently marveled at how steadfast love could really bring about the waiting heart's desire...

Eleanor, watching from the guests' area, also smiled through tears. The atmosphere made her cousin’s long-awaited union with the woman he loved seem overwhelmingly touching.

Bernard, a mountain of calm beside her, glanced at the fireworks but kept his eyes mostly on her. Seeing her cry, he couldn't help but chuckle, "You weren't this moved at my wedding."


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