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A Second Chance at Forever (Eleanor and Bernard) novel Chapter 169

She coughed up pink foam, all of it going into the water, turning the toilet water red.

The bodyguard was startled, thinking she was coughing blood, so he quickly picked her up.

Suddenly breathing in some air, Eleanor began to recover, but she was still coughing non-stop.

What she coughed up was still pink foam, a symptom of late-stage heart failure.

Joelle didn't know that, thinking she had hurt her stomach from drowning. Her anger subsiding a bit, she stared at Eleanor through the gritted teeth, "It serves you right for choking to death! It's what you get for what you've done!"

After saying this harshly, Joelle signaled the bodyguard with a look, and he immediately let go of Eleanor.

"I'll let you off this time, but if you ever dare to resist again, don't think you'll leave alive!"

After saying this vicious threat, Joelle turned and left, hand in hand with Sophie.

Little did she know that she hadn't taken two steps before she felt a moist hand on her neck from behind.

Before Joelle could even look back, she heard Eleanor's weak yet gritted voice through the pain, "Ms. Valona, don't you want to give toilet water a try before you leave?"

Joelle's body shuddered, the thought "Could this be what her revenge was going to be about?" flashing in her mind she was forced face down into the toilet.

Eleanor used all her strength to push Joelle's head into the toilet, holding her by the neck with her hands, she wasn't going to let go.

The bodyguard tried to hold her back but was scolded, "If you don't want her dead, don't come near me!"

Eleanor was holding onto Joelle's lifeline. If they dared to come closer, she would surely choke her to death.

Sophie hadn't expected Eleanor, who usually looked weak, to be so determined and reckless.

After signaling the bodyguards not to act recklessly, Sophie quietly walked behind Eleanor and when she thought Eleanor wasn't paying attention, she grabbed her hair and yanked it back.

The sudden jolt of pain made Eleanor involuntarily ease her grip on Joelle.

Seizing the opportunity, Joelle fought back against Eleanor, gasping for air. Unable to maintain control over Joelle, Eleanor braced herself to confront Sophie.

Amidst their struggle, Eleanor accidentally pushed Sophie.

Just as Sophie appeared on the verge of falling to the ground, a strong hand swiftly came to her aid.

Losing herself in the details, Eleanor noticed the man's sharp, angular face exuding a melancholic aura. His eyes were dark and mysterious.


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