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A Second Chance at Forever (Eleanor and Bernard) novel Chapter 26

After spending a night in the hospital, Eleanor's high fever subsided completely. Although she still felt a bit weak, there was no need for her to stay in the hospital any longer.

So, she asked Hailey to pay the hospital fee, and the two of them went straight home after completing the discharge procedures.

Upon returning home, Hailey immediately got busy cooking in the kitchen. Eleanor wanted to help, but Hailey refused.

"You just rest up, I'll handle things here," Hailey said, shooing Eleanor away with a wave of her hand.

While her fever had gone, Eleanor's heart failure had worsened.

Her chest felt really painful, her head was spinning, she had both insufficient blood and oxygen supply, and she was so weak, she could barely stand.

Unable to help Hailey, she did as she was told and returned to her bedroom, struggling to support herself.

Lying in bed, Eleanor wanted to get some sleep. Just then, she received a news notification about the entertainment industry on her phone, which sat on her bedside table.

Since she met Bernard, she hadn't been very informed about his schedule, but noticed that he occasionally made the news, so she followed some related accounts.

She checked the news and saw that paparazzi had snapped pictures of Bernard carrying Sophie to the emergency room. The report claimed that their love had reignited.

Most of the comments praised their appearance and family background, saying that they were the perfect, well-matched couple.

As Eleanor read this, she also thought that they were indeed a suitable pair: Bernard, handsome and noble; Sophie, elegant and beautiful.

With a bitter smile, she closed the news and was about to turn off her phone when she noticed an unread text.

Opening the message, she found it was from an unknown number, asking, “why did you go to the hospital?”

Eleanor was startled. How did this person know she'd been to the hospital?

Checking the time, she realized the message had been sent the night before, right when she woke up in the hospital...

Eleanor stared at the message, a little incredulous.

The only person she'd run into at the hospital last night was Bernard. Could it be from him?

Trembling, she replied, “Who is this?”

She didn't expect an immediate response, but the next second, her phone buzzed again.


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