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A Second Chance at Forever (Eleanor and Bernard) novel Chapter 348

In front of the Lawrence Group building, a dozen or so luxury cars were parked.

Bernard stepped out of one, his face expressionless, and strode towards the CEO's office.

Aidyn hurried after him, noticing his brisk pace and quickly motioned for the bodyguards to keep up.

Bernard barked out a cold order to Aidyn as he walked, “Prepare the private jet.”

After Aidyn responded, he asked, “Mr. Laurence, how long are we staying this time?”

“A year,” replied Bernard, his face still devoid of any expression.

Taken aback, Aidyn stared at him, “Mr. Laurence, why so long?”

Bernard didn't respond, not a flicker of emotion crossed his face.

Aidyn, reading his mood, did not pursue the matter further.

“I'll get your personal items ready tonight, then.”

Bernard nodded, stepping into his private elevator.

Cedric was in the CEO's office, engrossed in his phone. Seeing Bernard enter, he quickly got up and walked over.

“Bro, didn’t we decide in the last meeting that someone else would handle the aerospace business over there? Why is it you now?”

Bernard took off his suit jacket, placed it on the couch, then sat down at the U-shaped desk.

He picked up the already prepared coffee, took a sip, and glanced at Cedric.

“All this chatter, you want to come too?”

“No way, I have zero interest in aerospace...” Cedric replied.

Bernard lifted his hand, switched on his computer, and began to review the latest financial reports.


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