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A Second Chance at Forever (Eleanor and Bernard) novel Chapter 447

The man didn't dare to squawk anymore.

After a sob, he opened his mouth, and spilled the beans.

"I just... ripped her clothes, grabbed her hands and feet, and... laid on top of her."

"But I swear, I only touched her there, I absolutely, absolutely didn't violate her! Please don't do anything drastic to me because of this!"


He didn't even get to finish his well-rehearsed speech before Caleb slapped him hard across his face.

"Shut up!!!"

He had dealt with so many bad guys, but none was as annoying as this one. His incessant noise was about to drive him crazy.

If it weren't for the boss handling this personally, he would've gagged this guy and not let him make a peep.

Bernard completely disregarded the man's words, the small knife in his hand slowly moving downward.

"Where did you hurt her?"

This time the man didn't dare to stall, quickly confessing, "Her arm, I just poked her with a knife, I didn't dare to go too hard."

The task he was given was to violate her, not hurt her. He was afraid of retaliation later, so he didn't dare to be too vicious.

Who would've thought that even though he didn't succeed, the people who wanted revenge for her still showed up, and they seemed like no ordinary bunch.

After getting his answer, Bernard suddenly withdrew his knife.

Just when the man thought he was going to be let go, he saw Bernard grip the knife handle, flip his wrist, and stab down hard into his arm.

That small knife, though it looked tiny, was ten times sharper than the one sent by the puppet master behind the scenes.


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