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A Second Chance at Forever (Eleanor and Bernard) novel Chapter 463

She pressed the answer button gently, and Pearce's heavy voice came through the phone right away, "Eleanor, you okay?"

Eleanor had just left the Midnight Bar suite but hadn't seen Pearce or been able to reach him by phone.

She figured with so many people around Pearce, he should be fine, so she sent him a text message and went home.

Now, hearing Pearce's voice, she nervously asked, "Mr. Hooper, what's wrong?"

Pearce shook his head bitterly and said, "I'm fine, just want to tell you, besides owing me a pair of golden slippers, you owe me a golden right hand too."

Relieved that he was alright, Eleanor frowned and asked, "What golden right hand? I don't get it."

Pearce smiled faintly and said, "You don't need to understand, just give it back to me."

She was fed up with the word golden by now, and said, "Fine, when the project money comes in, I'll go to the gold shop owner and have him make it for you."

Hearing her promise, Pearce felt a bit more relieved in his heart, "Remember to make a left hand too. It'll look more comfortable if it's symmetrical."

Eleanor nodded repeatedly, "Alright, whatever you want, I'll make it for you since you're my mentor."

Pearce hung up the phone and leaned back in his chair, rubbing his chest with a relaxed sigh.

Having an apprentice felt pretty good, but when he saw Ryan in uniform standing outside the office door, his smile vanished. He said on the phone, "I have two good news and two bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

Eleanor didn't hesitate, "The bad news."

In his heart, Pearce thought he had said the good news first, so why didn't she answer in that order?

Forcing himself to adjust his mood, Pearce said, "Alright, the good news is that Lawrence Group Headquarters wants to rebuild the building, and they've come to our company!"

Lawrence Group Headquarters was fine, why did they need to rebuild?

Eleanor frowned, wanting to ask Pearce about it, but his other good news arrived,

"My dream was to win the design rights to the Laurence Group building and use it to participate in the international architecture competition, defeating my master Ethan. I didn't expect to finally see Lawrence Group Headquarters being rebuilt!"

Hearing this, Eleanor put her doubts aside and felt happy for him, "Congratulations, your dream is about to come true."


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