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A Second Chance at Forever (Eleanor and Bernard) novel Chapter 526

The car screeched to a halt at the entrance of Liana Hospital. The sight of a bloodied Bernard turned the deputy director's face pale with shock.

He quickly pulled himself together, simultaneously directing the medical staff to rush Bernard into the emergency room while asking Caleb, who was right behind him, "Where's the wound?"

Caleb responded calmly, "Two stab wounds in the back. His head was whacked with a club. Not sure how many times, you'll have to check."

The deputy director's brow furrowed when he heard about the head injury. He quickly examined Bernard's head and confirmed, "Two blows to the head, one to the back of the skull. That's a potentially fatal injury."

He remembered Mr. Laurence's existing brain condition and quickly instructed his assistant, "Call the director of W City Hospital right away. I need to speak to him."

After giving the order, he turned to the other doctors, "Notify the surgeons to treat the stab wounds immediately and get a neurologist here, stat."

A group of doctors swiftly wheeled Bernard into the emergency room, discussing his condition,

"Mr. Laurence is seriously injured, but luckily no internal organs were hit. We just need to stop the bleeding."

"The brainstem is in critical condition. We need to clear the hematoma immediately. Surgery is a necessity."

"Other areas have minor bruises. Clean the wounds, the damage isn't significant."

"But performing multiple surgeries at once is risky."

After the surgeons and neurologist finished their assessments, they quickly reported back to the deputy director, leaving him with the decision of whether or not to proceed with the multiple surgeries.

As the deputy director hesitated, he recalled Mr. Laurence's instructions against opening his skull. The director of W City Hospital decisively commanded, "Crack his skull open now!"

Even though Mr. Laurence had forbidden any cranial surgery, it was the only way to save his life under the current circumstances.


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