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A Second Chance at Forever (Eleanor and Bernard) novel Chapter 699

The man locked the safe and turned his back to her to change the password.

Eleanor was speechless.

Yet, this guy had just handed over all his personal assets and the Laurence family fortune to her. Yet, he was particularly protective of their marriage certificate.

She found it amusing and helpless: "Bernard, we're already hitched. I won't bail on you; no need to stress."

Her promise seemed like a chill pill, but Bernard still thought it wouldn't hurt to double down on security.

After resetting the password, he flicked his hand to signal the bodyguards to take away the safe. Then he pulled her into his arms.

"Mrs. Laurence, how do you fancy spending our wedding night?"

Eleanor didn't respond, just flashed him a smile: "I'm injured right now, not really up for a wedding night."

Bernard took her silence as agreement and beamed.

"Our love nest is ready. Shall we head there?"

When he laughed, his eyes sparkled, shaping into crescents. He looked incredibly dashing.

Eleanor was so captivated by his smile that she didn't realize he had already picked her up. She instinctively wrapped her arms around his neck.

Holding her in his arms, he looked down at her, "Mrs. Laurence, let's head home."

Eleanor lay in his arms, worrying about his back injury. But he showed no discomfort, just continued carrying her towards the car.

Their motorcade got moving, one car after another. It was quite a spectacle.

The folks who just came out of the restroom were flabbergasted...

"Look, she's been divorced once, yet she's still cherished; she's one lucky lady."

"Mr. Laurence locked up their marriage certificate in the safe. Is he scared she might divorce him?"

"He must be. Who else would be crazy enough to lock up their marriage certificate? He must be afraid of her bailing."

"Oh my god, when will I meet a guy like that?"

"You might need a little nip and tuck first..."

Their car pulled up at Blue Bay Island. This was a private residence Bernard had bought years ago. The new house was right by the sea.


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