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A Second Chance at Forever (Eleanor and Bernard) novel Chapter 712

Eleanor pondered a bit before asking him, "Your name's Elbert Pine, do you know..."

She wanted to ask if he knew Emilia.

Before she could finish, Elbert cut her off, "I'll take you back."

Hearing this, Eleanor stopped talking and frowned at him, "I escaped with great effort, why would I go back?"

Elbert sighed slightly, glancing at her, "I meant, take you home..."

Eleanor nodded, standing up from the beach, she needed to hurry back and tell Bernard—

That she had escaped, she was okay, she hadn't become a burden to him, and he didn't need to be threatened.

She followed Elbert off the beach, watching as ambulances rushed off in the direction of the beach club.

She stopped in her tracks, looking up at the distant beach. She couldn't make out any figures, just various boats heading out to sea.

Eleanor hung her head in thought, feeling that Gianna wouldn't send so many people to rescue her. Could it be Bernard?

If Bernard came and found out she had jumped into the sea, he might be scared to death. With this thought in mind, Eleanor changed her mind:

"Let's go over there first?"

She’d like to take a look. If Bernard hadn't come, they could still leave.

Elbert, hands in his pockets, chuckled lightly, "Why should I listen to you?"

Eleanor turned to look at him, a small smile playing on her lips, "Aren't you my little brother?"

Seeing her faint smile, Elbert paused slightly...

It looked so familiar, like one he had seen in a photo when they were young.

Where had he seen it?

He couldn't remember.

Shaking his head, Elbert headed towards the beach club.

Bernard, having dived into the sea for the third time and plunged into the depths, still didn't see Eleanor.

Suddenly despairing, his eyes reddened...


If I can't find you, could I join you at the bottom of the sea?

Aidyn, who had jumped into the sea with him, swam towards Bernard as he saw him sinking.


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