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A Second Chance at Forever (Eleanor and Bernard) novel Chapter 722

The Gothic castle, surrounded by roses and rosettes, felt like stepping into a fairy tale world, with tall, pointed roofs that reach the sky.

The castle was surrounded by an endless lawn shaded by green trees, so large that you need to take a carriage to get around.

Sunlight streamed in through the windows inside the castle, shining on the ceremony stage.

Florists had filled the entire castle with thousands and thousands of lychee roses.

At the top of the castle was a clear crystal, surrounded by walls emitting a red aurora and an elegant and flawless champagne-colored carpet, transforming the wedding venue into a work of art.

The most famous priest waiting at the scene and the royal orchestra add a sense of holiness and charm to this work of art.

Seeing the dreamlike scene in front of her, Eleanor's eyes moisten...

She looked at the man next to her, thinking:

Thank goodness she lived to see this man's love for her with her own eyes.

Bernard seemed to understand her gaze. He let go of her hand, allowing her to hook his arm.

"Mrs. Laurence, walking down this red carpet with me is a promise of a lifetime; are you ready?"

Eleanor looked at him affectionately, nodding gently.

"I'm ready, Mr. Laurence."

Bernard gave her a deep, affectionate smile, then turned and waved to the two little flower children.

However, the two little flower children seemed to be at odds. They were grabbing petals from the flower basket and throwing them at each other's faces.


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