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A Second Chance at Forever (Eleanor and Bernard) novel Chapter 768

Jose glanced at Bernard, giving a thoughtful nod towards the man who oozed charisma.

"He's definitely up to something shady."

Sure enough, Bernard's hidden card turned out to be an 8!

King, 3, and 8, their total was 21.

He naturally chose not to draw a fourth card.

Seeing his move, Kenny, Jose, and Jeff understood that Bernard had a strong hand.

"This is a disaster; we can't keep playing!"

"We've only played two rounds, and we're already up the creek without a paddle!"

"We've just lost some cash, Fiman."

Jeff looked at Fiman, sprawled on the poker table like a worn-out dog.

"You've even lost your casino; should we keep going?"

If they continued, they could take over Fiman's place and clean him out!

"I quit; I surrender, okay?" Fiman waved his hands in defeat.

Fiman looked up at Bernard, his face full of distress. "You really want my casino?"

Without lifting his head, Bernard replied, "Just get me ten billion and transfer it to my account."

So he didn't want the casino, just the money.

"Alright, we'll transfer it right away." Fiman jumped up, happily calculating his chips.

The others exchanged glances.

Something didn't feel right. It felt like they'd been conned by Bernard, but they couldn't figure out how.

They played a few more rounds, this time not for money but for drinks.

Even then, they couldn't beat Bernard, cursing and swearing they'd never gamble with him again.


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