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A Second Chance at Forever (Eleanor and Bernard) novel Chapter 775

Bernard gave Elbert a hell of a smack that left his face sporting a five-finger souvenir.

Elbert hit the deck and, after a few seconds, lifted his head to look up at the towering, powerful figure of Bernard.

Elbert's face was now a lovely shade of lobster.

Well, this was a fine mess. His first time getting smacked, and by his nemesis no less. This wasn't a fight; it was a one-sided slap fest.

Talk about a real kick in the pants!

Elbert felt mortified, looking around, hoping nobody saw him.

Before he could even get a good look around, another power slap landed on his face.

He didn't even have time to catch his breath before the second slap hit, leaving him seeing stars.

And why the heck was Bernard only smacking his right cheek? Couldn't he switch it up a bit? Getting smacked in the same spot was making him see stars!

Just as Elbert was about to blow a gasket, Bernard's hand rose again, this time aiming for Elbert's left cheek.

Slap! If once wasn't enough, he went in for another.

Bernard's look seemed to say, "There, happy now?"

Bernard had said he would only slap him twice, but he went ahead and added two more for good measure. This left Elbert ready to explode!

He clenched his fists, ready to go a few rounds with Bernard.

But before he could even get up, he was kicked right back down to the ground.

Elbert tried to get up again, but Bernard's leg was holding him down, making it impossible to move.

Bernard was standing on Elbert's chest, his elbow resting on his knee, looking down at him with a cold gaze.

"The first slap was for Eleanor," he said. "The second one was because I don't like your face."

Elbert didn't get it; he felt like Bernard was taking advantage of him, and it pissed him off.

"You said two slaps; I took them. But what gives you the right to slap me two more times?"


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