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A Second Chance at Forever (Eleanor and Bernard) novel Chapter 789

Eleanor and Bernard abandoned their Las Vegas plans and embarked on a whirlwind journey, including a trip to the Maldives. Half a month flew by in the blink of an eye.

During this time, Hailey and Yeager Alis spent increasing amounts of time together. Despite the hospital's chaotic atmosphere, Yeager always found a way to visit Hailey. He would bring her breakfast in the morning and act as her chauffeur at night. Even during Hailey's demanding overnight shifts, he patiently awaited her clocking off.

Every time Hailey spotted Yeager waiting for her, she felt a wave of affection. His sweetness was a rarity that melted her heart. Encouraged by these warm feelings, Hailey started to relax and enjoy occasional outings with Yeager, grabbing meals or catching a movie.

Their dates became more frequent, allowing them to grow closer and deepen their connection. Holding hands and other affectionate gestures felt increasingly natural.

One day, after Hailey finished a night shift, she noticed Yeager standing at the entrance of her workplace, holding an umbrella as heavy rain poured down.

"Why didn't you come in out of the rain?" She asked.

Yeager held out his hand, waiting for Hailey to put her hand in his, then said, "The rain's not that bad."

Hailey noticed the gloom in Yeager's eyes, as if he was troubled by something. So, she furrowed her brow and asked, "What's up?"

Yeager, standing under his black umbrella, lifted his downcast eyes, looked at Hailey for a moment, then dropped his umbrella and pulled her into his arms.

Yeager's chin gently rested on Hailey's shoulder. She froze for a second, but she didn't push him away, instead, she seemed to be trying to accept his embrace.

Holding Hailey, Yeager's aching heart found some solace, easing the pain and sorrow in his eyes a bit.

"I couldn't save a young man in surgery tonight..." Yeage said, his arm around Hailey tightening around her waist.

He thought he could save the young man, but in the end, he was powerless.

"Sometimes I wonder, why did I become a doctor? To heal people, or to watch them leave this world?"

Hearing this, Hailey turned her head towards Yeager, seeing the look of defeat on his face, she knew he was upset because he couldn't save the young man's life.

After a moment, Hailey mustered up the courage, wrapped her arms around Yeager, her slender, pale fingers gently stroking his back.

"Dr. Yeager, fate calls the shots. Even though doctors have the skills, they can't guarantee to save everyone. Don't beat yourself up over this..."


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