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A Second Chance at Forever (Eleanor and Bernard) novel Chapter 793

After their initial encounter, Cedric seemed to vanish, leaving Hailey feeling as if he had disappeared completely.

It wasn't until she caught sight of him on the news that Hailey realized Cedric had been preoccupied with work all this time. The news segment depicted him looking sharp in a suit, sporting a stylish tie and impeccably groomed hair, exuding a powerful and authoritative aura.

Having watched the financial news segment, Hailey switched off the television and swiftly retrieved her phone. Dialing Yeager' number, she inquired if he had arrived as planned.

The weekend was here again, and Hailey needed to visit Garett.

She had promised Garett to visit him every weekend.

Plus, considering she had been seeing Yeager for a while now, she decided to bring him along to meet Garett.

Maybe seeing her muster up the courage to start a new relationship would also give Garett the courage to get out of his rut.

This time, at the airport exit, they bumped into Sigrid Laurence who was being pestered by a man. Hailey immediately dashed over.

“Sigrid, are you okay? Should I call the cops?”

When Sigrid recognized the person helping her was Hailey, she waved Hailey off.

“No need to call the cops.”

After saying this, Sigrid wriggled out of Chase's grip and spoke up.

“Chase, we’re done. You need to let go.”

Chase attempted to grab her hand again, but she stepped back.

“Our parents don’t approve of us being together, let's heed their advice.”

Sigrid didn't necessarily agree with her parents, she was just exhausted from her past relationship with Chase.

Chase, like her brother, was a party animal and a playboy. But unlike Cedric, Chase lacked self-control.


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