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A Second Chance at Forever (Eleanor and Bernard) novel Chapter 907

Right on cue at 8, Bernard and Eleanor made their appearance at the airport, and after rendezvousing with Robin and Elbert, they each ascended into their respective private jets, setting their course for G country.

Caleb, the maestro of meticulousness, had deduced the clock would strike 6 in the evening when he slipped a potion into the soup he'd crafted for Katharine, serving it with his own hands.

Observing Katharine devour the soup, and then scurry to adorn herself in makeup, sprucing up to meet his 'parents'; Caleb's brow furrowed. Was she genuinely developing feelings for him?

However, she pummeled him frequently, erupted at the most trifling matters, and appeared to covet his physique, not his soul. How then, could she be nurturing affection for him?

Just as the fog of unconsciousness claimed Katharine, she reached out to Caleb, “What...what did you mix into my soup? Why would you…”

Her words faded into oblivion as she surrendered to the induced slumber. Caleb caught her limp form, scooped her up and settled her into the car.

As he fastened her seatbelt, beholding her closed eyes, as if locked in an endless sleep, guilt flooded Caleb once more.

Suddenly, he found his thoughts adrift to Mr. Ben. In that moment, he seemed to fathom why Mr. Ben had succumbed to Sophie Ratliff's charm. Navigating the complex world of women was indeed a challenging feat.

But, getting emotionally involved with a mission target was a mistake itself, Caleb wasn’t Mr. Ben, he wouldn’t repeat Mr. Ben’s mistakes, nor would he betray Mr. Law, so…

Caleb quickly cut off the strange emotions welling up inside him, withdrew his gaze from Katharine, started the car emotionlessly and drove towards their destination.

Bernard's private jet was scheduled to land at 8 in the evening. Before he even got off the plane, Robin was waiting with a bunch of bodyguards to take him to the hospital.

Robin stood in the cabin with his hands in his pockets, looking down at Bernard, “Sorry, but this is my turf. As the host, I’ll be calling the shots from here on out.”

His arrogance and disrespect got the undercover Siren Organization’s members, disguised as bodyguards, on their feet.

They wouldn't tolerate anyone disrespecting Bernard, they were ready to teach Robin a lesson, but Bernard stopped them.

Bernard gestured for them to stay calm, then he reached out to Eleanor.


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