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A Second Chance at Forever (Eleanor and Bernard) novel Chapter 910

Wendy refused to hide, yanking away the covers to reveal her weak legs. "Before I go, I want one last walk in the sun. But look at me, frail and unable to move..." She paused, guilt flickering across her face as she glanced at Eleanor. "Your mom once mentioned that both you and Emilia share my blood type, AB. She asked for a loan and promised to repay the favor with blood if I ever needed it..."

Her remorseful and desperate gaze pleaded with Eleanor. "I'm sorry for not helping your mom back then. But I was wondering if you could donate some blood for me—just 400cc—to get me on my feet..."

Though her words sounded sincere, there were fishy elements in her request. Firstly, neither she nor Emilia had AB blood type; they both had the common O type. Wendy might be searching for them because their mom had lied about their blood type to secure the loan. Secondly, 400cc of blood wouldn't be enough to restore Wendy's strength. She likely wanted the blood for testing purposes, with uncertain intentions afterward.

Before Eleanor could respond, a cold voice cut in. "My wife's blood is not available for lending."

Bernard's blunt refusal left Wendy looking taken aback.

She turned to Eleanor, "Kid, I just need a little blood. It won't hurt you…"

After some thought, Eleanor glanced at Robin and made a condition, "If you tell me how you ended up marrying York Spencer, I'll let you take a small tube of blood. If you lie, sorry, no blood donation."

Just yesterday, Bernard told her that Robin had no idea about his parents' past and thought Vanya was the homewrecker. She had to clear her mother's name in front of Robin.

Moreover, the fact that Wendy wanted her blood for testing indicated that she might need an organ from Eleanor, or more specifically, from Emilia. But since Emilia was dead, she came looking for Eleanor. But before needing an organ, Wendy needed to confirm if Eleanor's blood matched, hence the blood test.

What Eleanor didn't expect was that Wendy didn't know Vanya wasn't a real Pine. Elbert had once said that he overheard his grandparents' conversation when he was young. It was quite understandable that Wendy, who was only a year older than Vanya, didn't know the secret.

Eleanor figured that giving Wendy a blood sample and letting her figure out that she wasn't a real Pine might be more convincing than showing Blake the test results herself. This could also get rid of Wendy's intention to get her organs and change Robin's opinion about her.

As soon as Eleanor made the offer, Bernard understood her intentions. But he didn't want Eleanor to get hurt, not even if it was just a blood draw.

Eleanor, however, squeezed his hand and brushed his palm lightly with her fingertips, telling him not to worry.

Wendy didn't notice their small gesture. She was completely absorbed in Eleanor's proposal.

The question, "How did you end up marrying York Spencer?" pierced through Wendy, leaving her feeling utterly exposed. It was as if Eleanor held all the knowledge and was merely playing along with her charade. The sensation of being seen through, even while fully clothed, ignited a seething rage within Wendy.

She suspected that Eleanor had uncovered the truth when she married Bernard. Presenting the question now was a tactic to force her to confess her wrongdoings in front of her own son.

If Wendy revealed the truth, the carefully constructed image of herself as a devoted mother in her son's eyes would crumble. On the other hand, if she lied, Eleanor would refuse to provide the much-needed blood.

After carefully weighing her options, Wendy chose to sidestep the impending bullet and speak the truth. "Following the disfigurement of your mother by Evelyn, York Spencer divorced her, effectively terminating the strategic marriage alliance between the Pine and Spencer families. However, my parents couldn't let go of the opportunity to align themselves with the Spencers, so they arranged for me to marry him instead..."


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