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A Second Chance at Forever (Eleanor and Bernard) novel Chapter 948

York got home and saw Katharine zoning out in the living room, which was a bit of a bummer. He gave her a once-over with his eyes.

"Peterson just called, said he's not that into you. Did you turn him down?"

When he proposed the arranged marriage to the Sharp family, York brought a photo of his daughter. Peterson agreed to meet after seeing the picture, saying she's not bad.

There was a golden opportunity right in front of them, but after the meeting, Peterson suddenly backed out. York, having been through his fair share of young love, knew exactly where the problem lied.

"Dad, Peterson said that even if I marry him, he won't be able to provide any resources for the Spencer family," Katharine said.

Upon hearing this, York furrowed his brow but neither agreed nor disagreed. He took off his coat and sat across from Katharine.

"As long as you marry him and cultivate a relationship with him, he will gradually provide resources in consideration of your reputation," York responded.

"Peterson may seem easygoing on the surface, but he has a very stubborn personality and won't make concessions for a woman," Katharine sighed deeply.

"You've only met him once. How can you understand what kind of person he is?"

Katharine sighed again. "Dad, I also want to help you, but clearly, Peterson doesn't have any special feelings for me. If he did, he wouldn't have been so direct with his words. We're both adults, and we understand this reality, don't we?"

York wanted to say more, but seeing the exhaustion on Katharine's face, he remained silent.

His daughter had always listened to him without rebelling, and in addition, despite arranging so many men for her, none of them had any special feelings for her. Peterson couldn't be an exception either.

With this in mind, York sighed again, "Look at you, you're not ugly, just a bit too strong. Why can't anyone feel anything special for you?"

Robin, walking in from the door, snorted coldly, "If no one's into you, just stay at home. I can afford to take care of you."

This remark sounded more like a jibe. Katharine retorted: "Robin, you're no better..."

One's got depression, the other's got a bad temper. They both had their own issues, no one's in a position to mock anyone.

Thinking about his children, York felt a headache coming on.

"Sort your own mess out."

He picked up his coat and went upstairs.

After York left, Robin sat down and asked, "That jerk didn't show up?"

Katharine shook her head, then nodded, "He did, but didn't have the guts to see me."

Robin chuckled at the coward, then glanced at Katharine, "If you're into bodyguards, why not switch to another one? Nathan's not bad."


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