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A Second Chance at Forever (Eleanor and Bernard) novel Chapter 963

Hailey stepped out of the dressing room, Cedric was already nowhere in sight.

She let out a sigh of relief and headed towards Yeager.

Yeager introduced her to some of his friends, and they all got along well.

However, when Hailey came out of the restroom, she heard people talking about her to Yeager.

"Dr. Yeager, your girlfriend is a nightclub owner. That doesn't seem like a very respectable job. Do your parents approve?"

"Your info is incomplete. Dr. Yeager’s girlfriend isn't just a nightclub owner. She's also a divorcee."

"Wow, I would never have guessed she's been divorced. Does she have any kids?"

"Who knows? Maybe she had a kid, maybe she had an abortion, or maybe she left the kid with her ex. She's a real looker, so she probably uses her looks to snag wealthy men, not burden herself with a kid."

Hearing these words, Hailey felt uncomfortable.

Normally, Yeager would have stepped in to stop such talk, but today he chose to remain silent.

He was still bothered by Cedric grabbing Hailey's wrist, so he was a bit distracted.

In reality, he wasn't a petty guy, it was just that Hailey was always resisting his advances.

Many times, he wanted to get closer to Hailey, but she would always find an excuse, tactfully turning him down.

But Hailey didn't resist Cedric the same way, this contrast made him uncomfortable.

His silence only encouraged the others to gossip louder.

Hailey glanced at Yeager's back. Although he didn't participate in the gossip, his silence was equally disappointing.

She hesitated for a few seconds, then mustered up the courage to chime in:

"Sure, I'm divorced, childless, and I own a nightclub. I make over a hundred million a year, I don't need to depend on wealthy men."

Her words silenced the crowd.

Yeager finally snapped back to reality and got up to stop Hailey from leaving.

"Sorry, they don’t know the whole story and said those things."

"They don't know? Don't you know either?"

Hailey shook off Yeager's hand and turned to leave.

Yeager, afraid of losing Hailey, quickly followed.

As they left, a golf ball suddenly flew by.

The man who was just gossiping about Hailey was hit hard in the chest by the ball.

He clutched his chest, gasping for breath, and looked in the direction the ball came from.

Against the light stood Cedric, holding a golf club on his shoulder.

"Sorry, my bad."

His words were an apology, but his actions were clearly provocative.


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