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A Second Chance at Forever (Eleanor and Bernard) novel Chapter 984

Bernard was a bit out of his element, but remembering Eleanor’s advice, he gently spoke up.

“What if you just let them date for a while, see how it goes?”

If it wasn’t Bernard on the other side, Cedric would have exploded by now.

“You're terrible at comforting, so just sit quietly with me for a bit.”

Bernard lowered his head, thinking, seemingly unable to find any soothing words, so he shut up.

After a while, he couldn't help but speak again:

“If they date for a bit and realize they’re not a good fit, they’ll break up naturally. Then you can try to patch things up with Ms. Vulpe again, it'll be much more effective than bothering her now.”

“For the love of God, please stop talking…”

Though Bernard's words weren’t exactly comforting, they were the truth.

After understanding the whole story, he believed that sooner or later, Yeager would screw up in an unforgivable way.

After all, a leopard can't change its spots, Cedric didn't need to be so anxious.

Bernard glanced at the gummy candies on the bedside table, took one out, and put it in Cedric's hand.

“The tighter you try to hold onto something, the more it slips away. Just let go, and it might just come back on its own.”

Cedric's head hung low as he examined the orange gummy candy, a bitter smile forming on his lips.

"Ever since we broke up, I've been the one begging for reconciliation, and not once has it worked. What does that tell you?" he sighed, his grip tightening around the candy.

Gradually, Cedric's emotions seemed to settle, and he continued, "It tells me she never loved me. And someone who doesn't love me is never coming back."

Bernard remained silent, observing Cedric attentively, his hand supporting his chin as he tilted his head slightly.

After a moment of contemplation, Cedric gazed at the candy for a while before finally looking up at Bernard.

"Do you think I did something wrong?" he inquired, seeking Bernard's perspective.

Bernard blinked, his bright eyes displaying a deep understanding, and he prepared to offer his thoughts.

“Yes, you did.”

Cedric looked at him, puzzled.

“What did I do wrong?”

“I told you a long time ago, don't mess around with women you don't really like.”

But he accepted everyone.


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