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A Vengeful Bride novel Chapter 608

"Amelia died a long time ago. Don't you know that?" Cornell looked at Bradley with a gloomy face and said apathetically.

Bradley chuckled, then he looked at Christ who was in his arms and said in a soft voice, "Christ, tell Uncle Cornell what you've seen."

"I saw mom... Uncle Cornell, give my mom back to me!"

Christ shouted at Cornell angrily with tears in his eyes.

Cornell looked at Christ and asked with chilly eyes, "Christ, where did you see your mom?"

"I'm going to find my mom."

Christ broke free from Bradley's arms and ran upstairs.

Seeing Christ's movements, Cornell's face was a little nervous. He wanted to step forward to stop Christ, but Bradley had grabbed his arm.

"Cornell, what do you want to do?"

"I should ask you this question! Christ is a child. It's alright if he makes a fuss, but you're an adult. What are you doing now?"

"I only know that you have hidden Amelia." Bradley pushed away Cornell's body with aloofness and followed Christ upstairs.

Cornell looked at Bradley's back, and there was a hint of harshness in his eyes.

Amelia heard the noise downstairs, and she knew that Bradley finally came over.

Bradley had always been a very sensitive person, so she was not surprised that he knew she was hiding upstairs.

She just did not expect that she would meet Bradley so soon.

"Mom..." When Christ saw Amelia, he rushed to her.

He knew that Amelia was here. As expected, he saw Amelia again.

Amelia squatted down. Although she couldn't see Christ's face, she said to Christ in an unusually calm tone, "Christ, I am not your mother."

"Mom, don't you want me anymore? I'll be obedient. Don't abandon me."

Christ said to Amelia pitifully.

There was a hint of bitterness in Amelia's heart.

"I am really not..."


When Bradley saw Amelia, his eyes suddenly widened.

He didn't expect that Amelia... really appeared...

Amelia didn't die, she was really alive.

Bradley's familiar voice stimulated Amelia's mind.

She hadn't heard Bradley's voice for a long time.

"Mom... dad and I came here to pick you up. Let's go home together, okay?" As Amelia listened to Christ's expectant and sad voice, she felt bitter and grieved, as if her heart was being grasped by something.

"Sorry, I'm not Amelia."

"You're lying." Seeing that Amelia refused to admit her identity, Bradley's face suddenly turned colder.

Amelia frowned and said with a poker face, "Sir, I'm really not Amelia."

"Bradley, don't make a fuss. She's not Amelia!"

At this time, Cornell came over and said to Bradley.

He held Amelia in his arms, blocking Bradley's view of Amelia.

When Bradley saw that Amelia was held by Cornell, his anger overflowed.

"Cornell, let go of Amelia immediately! Do you hear me?"

Cornell frowned and said with indifferent eyes, "Let me tell you again, she is not Amelia. Amelia died a long time ago. You caused her death. Bradley, don't make trouble anymore."

"Get out!" Bradley didn't believe Cornell's words at all. He believed that the woman held by Cornell must be Amelia.

He pushed away Cornell with great strength. After Cornell was pushed away heavily by Bradley, his expression, which had been grim, became more cold-blooded.

"Bradley, what on earth do you want to do?"

"Give Amelia back to me!" Bradley held Amelia in his arms tightly and said in an excited voice.

"I'm not Amelia. Please let go of me."

Amelia tried to talk to Bradley in a calm and aloof tone.

But Bradley didn't listen to her at all.

"Amelia, all the misunderstandings have been cleared up. What happened that night was Nelly's scheme. In fact, Nelly and I have nothing to do with each other."

Amelia lowered her head and didn't speak.

Seeing that Amelia did not say a word, Bradley's fingers became very tense.

He grabbed Amelia's shoulders and breathed rapidly, saying, "Don't you believe what I said? Look at my eyes, Amelia."

How could Amelia see Bradley's eyes? She couldn't see anything at all.

Amelia pushed away Bradley lightly and said apathetically, "Sorry, I'm not Amelia. Please don't do this to me."

"You are Amelia, you are my Amelia!"

"Mom... don't you want me anymore?"

Bradley held Christ in his arms, and the two of them said to Amelia at the same time.

He knew that Amelia did not want to forgive him, but it didn't matter. He would wait for her to forgive him.

Christ was Amelia's child. No matter how much Amelia hated Bradley, she would not hate Christ.

Hearing Christ's voice, Amelia felt so painful in her heart as if her heart had been torn apart.

"Bradley, stop messing around. She's not Amelia."

Looking at the expression on Amelia's face, Cornell stood in front of her and said to Bradley coldly with chilly eyes.

Bradley looked at Cornell with furious eyes. Just as he reached out his hand and wanted to push away Cornell's hand, Christ suddenly fainted in his arms.

"Christ!" Seeing Christ faint, Bradley was very anxious. He held Christ tightly in his arms and called Christ's name in a panic.

Hearing Bradley's flustered voice, Amelia was a little worried. She reached out her hand to grope the direction of Christ in the dark, but Cornell held her hand.

Cornell patted the back of Amelia's hand gently, as if he was comforting her.

Amelia bit her lip hard and could only hide her worry.

Bradley raised his head and looked at Amelia. He said with tears in his eyes, "Amelia, Christ is ill. Don't you care about him at all?"

Amelia doted on Christ the most. How could she... not care about Christ when she heard that Christ was sick?

Amelia's pinched Cornell's palm with great strength, and Cornell took a meaningful look at Amelia.

"Amelia... He is our son." Bradley said it with difficulty. His bloodshot eyes were filled with sorrow and pain.

Amelia... didn't want to... see him at all...

Bradley staggered and took a step back. He held Christ in his arms tightly and then left.

No matter what, he would not give up.

He would let Amelia forgive him, definitely...

"Christ..." After Bradley left, Amelia seemed to go crazy. She squatted down slowly and groped on the floor.

Looking at Amelia like this, Cornell's eyes were somewhat serious and sombre.

He squatted down, held Amelia's body and said, "Amelia, don't forget what Bradley has done to you. He and Nelly..."

"Cornell, why did you cheat me?"

Amelia's eyes were hollow and her delicate face was a little pale. Under the light, she looked extremely fragile and weak.

After hearing Amelia's words, Cornell's heart suddenly trembled violently.

He pinched his palm hard and asked as if he didn't understand what Amelia said, "What did you say?"

"Nothing happened between Bradley and Nelly, but why didn't you... tell me the truth?" Cornell felt as if his heart had been squeezed by something. He didn't expect that Amelia would know the truth so soon. "Yes, nothing happened between Bradley and Nelly."

"I just... like you too much, Amelia... you said you would be with me. Do you forget that?"

Cornell grabbed Amelia's wrist and said while looking at her face.

"I'm sorry. I hurt you."

When Amelia knew that Cornell had lied to her, she was very angry indeed. Later, she figured it out. She realized that Cornell lied to her just because he liked her.

After she became blind and Cornell found her, Cornell was like warm sunshine in her heart, he took good care of her and warmed her whole heart.

Amelia wanted to fall in love with Cornell, because Cornell gave her a very warm feeling.

She wanted to fall in love with Cornell and forget Bradley eagerly.

Because falling in love with Bradley made Amelia so painful. She didn't want to suffer so much pain like that.

"Amelia, we are husband and wife. Do you know that? From the day you promised to marry me, I have been very happy. Perhaps I was really despicable to lie to you, because you are Bradley's wife, but I... cast my covetous eyes on you. However, I can't control my heart. If you like Tyrone, you will definitely like my face. As long as you like my face, I will protect my face and become your favorite appearance."

Cornell's words made Amelia have an extremely complicated feeling. Cornell did so much for her, which made her feel very sorrowful.

"Cornell, I'm not that good."

Amelia shook her head and said with difficulty.

"No one is better than you in my heart."

Cornell held Amelia's hand tightly and said in a deep and pleasant voice.

Amelia smiled with sadness.

She leaned her head in Cornell's arms, and there was no light in her hollow eyes. The holes in her eyes were frightening.

"Cornell, the love between me and Bradley is a thing of the past."

Whether Bradley really slept with Nelly or not, Amelia did not want to be with Bradley anymore.

Because... she was so painful, she wanted to give up.

The most important reason was that she felt that she didn't deserve Bradley anymore.

"Bradley, what do you mean? Is Abigail still alive?" After Mignon and Joanna knew that Christ was sent to the hospital again, they came to see him.

After Bradley told Mignon and Joanna that Xi was still alive, they were shocked.

"Yes, Amelia is still alive."

Bradley looked at Mignon and Joanna with extreme determination in his eyes.

After Joanna and Mignon looked at each other, both of them were very excited.

They didn't expect that Amelia was really... alive. Was Amelia... still alive?

"Where is she now?"

"In the villa Cornell bought. She... refused to recognize me."

When Bradley thought of how indifferently Amelia treated him, he felt so grieved and clenched his fists tightly.

"Let's go over there right now to find Abigail."

Looking at the sad expression on Bradley's face, Mignon sighed deeply and then left the hospital with Joanna.

They asked the driver to send them to Cornell's villa.

Cornell was not surprised when he saw Mignon and Joanna standing at the door, because Bradley would not give up so easily since he had seen Amelia.

"Mrs. Gu, Mrs. Xi, what's the matter?"

"Where is Abigail?"

Joanna took the lead to speak, she looked at Cornell and asked.

"I've told Bradley that she is not Amelia."

"Cornell, do you really think I'll believe your words?"

With a sneer, Mignon pushed away Cornell directly and rudely.

Cornell's eyes were dim and gloomy.

When Joanna and Mignon were about to go upstairs, he stopped them.

Looking at Cornell who stopped them, Mignon and Joanna got a little annoyed.

"Cornell, what do you mean?"

"Sorry, this is my house."

Although Cornell's personality was mild, he looked horrible when he was indifferent.

"Don't you want us to go upstairs? You feel guilty, right? Because you hide Abigail!"

Mignon looked at Cornell with sarcasm and said in a sharp tone.

She used to think that Cornell was a good man, but she didn't expect that Cornell would do such a thing, so she didn't appreciate Cornell any longer.

"Mrs. Gu, before you say this, do you have any evidence..."

"Cornell, stop... Don't make things difficult for Joanna and Mignon."

At this time, Amelia said to Cornell while fumbling around in the dark and looking for the railing.

Cornell's body tightened. He immediately went upstairs, strode forward and held Amelia in his arms.

"Didn't I ask you to stay in your room? If you want something, just tell me directly."

"I... heard the voices of Joanna and Mignon, so I knew they are here."

Amelia admitted her identity it in front of Joanna and Mignon. Cornell's body tightened, and he held Amelia more tightly in his arms.

Amelia felt Cornell's strength, and her feelings were a little complicated.

"Cornell, we are husband and wife."

Joanna and Mignon were originally very happy because Amelia was still alive, but when they heard that Amelia and Cornell had got married, they looked at Amelia in shock and disbelief.

It was mignon who sensitively sensed that Amelia seemed to be a little different.

She went forward and took away Amelia from Cornell's arms.

"Abigail, what's wrong with your eyes?"

Mignon's words attacted Joanna's attention, and her expression changed slightly.

"Eyes? Abigail, what's wrong with your eyes? What happened to you?"

Joanna had always been calm, but when she saw Amelia's eyes, her face turned pale.

Amelia reached out and touched Joanna and Mignon's hands. She comforted them in a weak and low voice, "Joanna, Mignon, don't be too nervous. I... have become blind."

"Who? Who hurt you? What happened that year? Do you know who took you away? When we went to the North Road, the warehouse there had been burned. They said that you died there. Cedric and Nacho were very sad and depressed. What's more, Bradley and Christ..." "Joanna, Mignon, my eyes became blind because of Nelly. Cornell found me, so I married him."

Amelia said extremely calmly, which made Mignon and Joanna feel very distressed.

Neither of them spoke. Looking at the black holes in Amelia's eyes, both of them had very complicated feelings.

Amelia used to have a pair of bright eyes, but she couldn't see anymore. How could Joanna and Mignon not feel sorry?

"It's good that you're alive. We'll definitely cure your eyes."

Mignon held Amelia's cold hand, winked her eyes and choked back her tears.

"Christ is sick now. Do you want to see him?"

"Okay." Amelia did not refuse Mignon. Originally, she just wanted to feel Mignon and Joanna secretly, but the appearance of Christ broke her plan.

She didn't want to pretend anymore, because she missed Christ so much.

After getting on the car, Cornell drove them to the hospital, and Joanna sat in the passenger seat. While Mignon sat in the back seat with Amelia.

"Abigail, do you know that... nothing happened between Bradley and Nelly that night?"

Mignon glanced at Cornell who was driving and then asked in a deep voice.

Amelia touched Mignon's hand and said with a faint smile, "Yeah, I know."

"Since you know, why..." "Mignon, I know what I'm doing. I don't want to love Bradley anymore."

"Abigail, don't you really love Bradley? He loves you very much. Since you had an accident, Bradley has always believed that you are still alive. He has been looking for you. No matter how we persuaded him, he never stopped."

"But I've already figured it out. Perhaps Bradley and I shouldn't have been together since the beginning."

"Can you bear to leave..."

"Mignon, the reason why I didn't come back was that I didn't want you to be sad. I know that when you see my eyes, you will definitely be somber. I don't want that. I came back this time because I missed you too much, and I just wanted to see you secretly. But I didn't expect that Christ actually found me. I... don't want to hide anymore. I hope that you can support all my decisions."

This was the first time that Amelia spoke to Mignon in such a determined tone. Mignon was suddenly stunned, she could only look at Amelia's face in a daze.

No one spoke in the following time. Even if Mignon looked at Amelia and wanted to say something, she could only swallow her words.

After arriving at the hospital, Joanna and Mignon wanted to support Amelia, but Cornell had already held Amelia in his arms. His gentle face was full of pity for Amelia, which made Joanna and Mignon have extremely complicated feelings.

"Amelia." Bradley was sitting by the the hospital bed and looking at Christ in a daze. When Amelia and Cornell came over, Bradley suddenly stood up.

Chapter 608 1

Chapter 608 2


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