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A Vengeful Ex-Wife novel Chapter 499

Under the protection and love of everyone around, Priscilla gradually grew up to become a spoiled child. She had a bad temper at a very young age.

When she was one and a half years old, Maria took her for a stroll in the park. They came across a marshmallow stall, but Maria refused to buy it for her.

Priscilla, being an adamant child, insisted she wouldn't leave the park until she got what she wanted. She didn't shed any tears nor did she make a noise. Both of them sat in the park for half an hour.

Maria couldn't persuade her. In the end, she fetched her phone from her handbag and dialed James' number. "I advise you to put aside your work and come to pick up your daughter right now. Otherwise, I might end up beating her!"

Right at that moment, James wrapped up the meeting he was having. He couldn't allow his wife to beat his dear daughter. He dismissed the meeting and rushed towards the park.

At the sight of him, Priscilla's eyes turned red with grievance. She pounced on her father and complained, "Daddy, I want a marshmallow, but Mommy refused to buy it."

James knew if his wife had refused, there must be a good reason behind it. There was nothing he could do about it. He decided to divert her attention from the marshmallow. "Princess, I will buy some other delicious food for you, okay?"

"Okay." Resting her head on his shoulder, Priscilla seemed very happy. She agreed to go home with James.

As this spectacle unraveled, Maria was shocked. Fortunately, she had two sons who cared about her.

When Priscilla became two and a half years old, she was put into a kindergarten.

One day, it was raining cats and dogs. She was afraid of getting her shoes dirty. She asked if she could stay home on that account.

James had no objection against it. She had just begun to go to kindergarten. She wasn't yet busy with studies.

Of course, Maria would allow no such thing. "You are spoiling her! Even if it was raining knives, Priscilla has to go to school today!" She couldn't allow her daughter to form such a habit. Once it started, the child would find all kinds of excuses to stay home.

In the end, Maria won. Priscilla went to the kindergarten but she was crying throughout her journey. Fearing his wife's wrath, James was in no position to argue.

James vividly remembered quarrelling with Maria three years ago. She stood by the side of the street in a fit of pique and refused to leave.

James tried to hold her hand, but she shoved him away. In the end, after several failed attempts, he carried her away.

Three years later, her daughter was behaving exactly the same way. Priscilla was so angry that she wouldn't enter the kindergarten. James tried to hold her hand, but she was swift to push.

Everything about her reminded him of Maria. James couldn't help but realize that the mother and daughter were exactly the same. This realization brought a smile to his face.

Reluctantly, he picked up his little princess and strode forward. Priscilla giggled in his arms.

It looked like James had completely forgotten how he had treated Coy over a similar issue. James had beaten him hard and carried him, without uttering any comforting words.

Sure enough, his preference of his own children was based on gender.

After Coy was sent to the military kindergarten, he restrained himself a little. But one couldn't see any major change in him.

He pretended to behave slightly better in front of Maria. However, he didn't care much for James.

James had to go to the police station when Coy ran away from home. He was called to school several times because Coy fought with his classmates.

Even though James beat him to a pulp with his belt, Coy was in no hurry to repent.

Seeing Coy, Maria had a headache as well. She was certain that no girl would be willing to marry him in the future.

If Coy ever came to her with a girlfriend, Maria would surely treat her with kindness. In fact, she would take her up as her own daughter.

If ever in the future Coy quarreled with his wife, Maria would blindly take the girl's side. She knew how capable her son was of making mistakes. She would beat Coy up. And if James intervened, she wouldn't hesitate before beating him up as well. If a son made a mistake, his father was partly at fault.

She told James over and over, "Don't be so bossy when you are out. You should particularly be careful around people with daughters. What if you accidentally offend our sons' future in-laws?"

It was already difficult for Coy to get a girlfriend. If James accidentally offended the parents of Coy's future wife, his chances would diminish even further.

James found her words very doubtful. "Coy is naughty, but he is more clever than the two of us combined. I don't think making a girl fall for him will be an issue. Bob, on the other hand, is even better. He is stable and willing to take responsibilities. He can get a girlfriend even more easily. We have nothing to worry about. You have no grounds to worry about this."

As for their sons' future in-laws, James thought it was none of their concern. Bob and Coy would deal with it when the time came.

Deep down, he was convinced that his sons could handle their in-laws perfectly well.

James' casual attitude stunned Maria. She couldn't understand how he was able to take everything so casually.

She decided she would make it her duty to improve Coy.

Maria went to attend Gary and Summer's party. Their daughter completed a month in this world. Maria joked with Summer and said, "You only have a daughter, so you can never relish the joy of beating a son. I hope your next child will be a boy. I don't want you missing out on anything."

Even though Coy was a troublesome child, Maria was glad she had Bob who was a nice kid.

Chapter 499 Extra Story About James And Maria's Children 1

Chapter 499 Extra Story About James And Maria's Children 2


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