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Adorable Kids Asking for Bear Hug novel Chapter 1007

After a long while, Thalia finally calmed down. She looked at him and asked, “Anthony, what's your basis for this?”

“My basis is my intuition and my trust in you all. I believe none of you would lie to me. So, if none of you are lying, there must be an issue with the matter itself. I need to uncover this issue,” Anthony said.

Thalia, indeed, didn't have her head in the clouds like Anthony. Even though she was just giving it a shot in the dark, deep down, she hoped there really was an issue with that matter. At least in that way, it would save her a lot of trouble.

“Even though I'm not entirely sure what's going on, and I understand that the chances of this working out are slim, if you truly want to search, then go ahead. If there's anything you need my help with, don't hesitate to ask,” Thalia suddenly said, looking at him.

“Do you believe in me?”

“To be honest, I think the chances of what you're considering are incredibly slim,” Thalia said. “But we always have to give it a shot, right? What if there really is that zero point zero one percent possibility? Besides, if you don't try to understand, you'll never be able to let it go.”

Anthony looked at her. “I believe there's absolutely not just a zero point zero one percent possibility.”

Thalia looked at him and smiled. “All right. Go ahead and search. Do what you want to do, but remember, you must inform me of any progress because I'm also hoping that there really is an issue with this matter.”

Anthony looked at her, feeling genuinely touched by the unconditional support she offered.

He nodded emphatically.

“All right. Hurry up and eat. Once you're done, you can go back and get some rest. You're starting to get dark circles under your eyes,” Thalia said.

Anthony looked at her, nodded, and then continued eating.

“By the way, there's one more thing.” Anthony looked up at her as he spoke.

“What?” Thalia asked leisurely while sipping her coffee.

“Did you manage to get any photos or videos from the scene on the day of the incident?” Anthony asked. “I've searched, but there are only a few. I couldn't find much.”

Thalia shook her head. “No. I didn't keep any of those things. Besides, I wasn't even there at the time. All this was told to me by Kyle afterward.”

After some thought, Anthony spoke up. “All right, then.”

“Somebody actually recorded a video and posted it online at the time,” Thalia said. “But somehow, it got hacked, and everything was wiped out.”

“Was it Kyle who did it?” Anthony asked.

“No.” Thalia shook his head. “They were gone before he even had a chance to act. It must have been DX Group, I guess.”

Anthony furrowed his brow. “I'll ask Mr. Dave about it later.”

It was evident that Anthony was very serious, and he was trying to find something to confirm that his speculation was correct.

After a moment of thought, Thalia began to speak. “Actually, it's not impossible for you to find what you're looking for.”


“Rewards allure men to brave danger,” said Thalia.

Anthony looked at her, his eyes lighting up instantly. “Are you talking about dark web?”

Thalia nodded. “Exactly. The world is so vast and full of wonders. Although the events we're talking about happened long ago, who knows who might still have photos or videos from back then? I remember hearing about someone who loved to collect news. There are many people like that, so you can give it a try.”

Listening attentively, Anthony nodded thoughtfully. “You're right.” With that, he put down his utensils. “I'll head upstairs first.”

“Hold on. Finish your meal,” Thalia said, watching his retreating figure.

“I'm full.” Without turning his head, Anthony walked toward the upstairs.

Watching his retreating figure, Thalia sighed in frustration.

However, seeing his spirited and determined demeanor, she felt relieved.

He was worried that something might happen to Kenneth, and with the added pressure from Holden, she feared that he was too young to handle it all. But now, it seemed that her concerns were completely unnecessary.

Anthony was much stronger than she ever imagined.

Thinking about that, she breathed a sigh of relief.


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