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Adorable Kids Asking for Bear Hug novel Chapter 212

The matter had caused a stir.

Reporters crowded the Hamilton Corporation building hampering traffic, and the negative news caused their stock to plummet.

Inside the company, the shareholders could not sit still. This matter was entirely caused by Kenneth personally. They could not accept this and pointed fingers in the office.

When Liam learned about this over the phone, he could not help sneering, “That's what these old guys are like. Once their interests are involved, they would start causing a ruckus. It does not matter how much profit they've taken while lying down for so many years. If there is really a problem, who can shoulder the responsibility? They can only make noise!”

After expressing his opinion, Liam asked, “What are you going to do about this?”

On the other end of the line, Kenneth's cool voice sounded interesting, “Don't worry, Grandpa, I have my own measure.”

Liam had faith in his competence. Even though he was the founder of Hamilton Corporation, Kenneth was the one who had expanded the company to its present level.

“Okay, as long as you know what you are doing. If you need me to come forward, just say it,” Liam told him.

Kenneth laughed. “Grandpa, are you underestimating me? This is such a small matter. You don't need to come forward.”

“You brat! I'm just being nice. Do you think I'll really come forward? If I have time, I'd rather go and visit my darling greatgrandchildren!”

Just at this moment, Denise's voice was heard from outside.


Hearing this voice, Liam was stunned. “Oh, dear! I miss her so much that I'm hearing things!”

Nearby, Dan saw the people coming in from outside and he laughed, saying, “Old Mr. Hamilton, you're not hearing things. Your little great-granddaughter is really


Startled, the old man looked toward the door only to see Denise running inside.

Liam's eyes lit up when he saw Denise, and he hung up the phone directly to greet her. “Yo! Look who's here! It's my darling Denise. What are you doing here?”

“I'm worried about you. So, I'm here to see you, with my Gramps and Nat, too,” Denise said.

As they spoke, Liam saw the others coming in and instantly, he was all smiles. “You're here! You're all here!”

“ Great-grandpa! ”


Anthony and Benjamin came over and greeted Liam calmly.

Liam nodded again and again. He just could not have enough of these two children.

“Hello, Old Mr. Hamilton,” Natasha greeted the old man.

“Nat, you're here, too.” Liam was overjoyed to see Natasha as if she was part of his household again.

Natasha nodded. “How are you?”

“Me? I'm quite...” Liam was about to say that he was fine, but when he remembered that they were here because they were worried about him, he suppressed the smile on his face and sighed, saying, “I'm fine. Nothing happened, except I got a fright yesterday.”

Dan watched in puzzlement.

Very quickly, he realized what Liam was up to, and he lowered his head to hide a snigger.

Liam noticed Dan's snigger and gave him a wink. Dan quickly followed up. “That's right. Old Mr. Hamilton did not sleep at all last night. Seeing you guys here, his mood improved quickly. Have a nice chat, I'll go and prepare some snacks and drinks.” With that, Dan headed toward the kitchen.

Natasha observed the scene through her clear bright eyes in silence.

At this moment, Terence walked over to


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