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Adorable Kids Asking for Bear Hug novel Chapter 607

The second he finished his sentence, a loud bang sounded out.

Kenneth had attacked the back of Boss' head, causing Boss' face to slam right onto the steering wheel.

Boss didn't see that coming, for he didn't expect to be attacked while he was driving. When his head hit the steering wheel, the car began to shake and swerve.

They were on a mountain road.

If the car continued to sway, they would either collide against the mountain wall or fall off the cliff. Just as the car was about to steer off the cliff, Boss hastily turned the steering wheel in the nick of time and stomped on the brake.

By then, half of the car bumper was already dangling in the air, and the wheel was right at the edge of the cliff.

It was a perilous situation.

At that moment, Kenneth, who was in the backseat, was tensed, but there was not a single trace of fear on his face.

It was as if he had expected the situation.

Boss then lifted his head and looked at Kenneth through the rearview mirror. “Aren't you afraid of dying?”

Kenneth curled his lips in disdain. “I am, but I'm not as scared since you're going to be cushioning me!”

Boss shot him a glare at that.

Right then, Kenneth leaned forward and warned, “I've given you a warning. Focus on the road. If I hear any more nonsense from you, you'll find what just happened earlier a far better scenario to face.”

It was only then Boss changed gears and reversed the car.

After slowly getting back on the road, they continued on their way.

“You would've fallen off this place if I didn't step on the brake in time,” Boss muttered.

“Not just me. You'll be with me too,” Kenneth corrected.

Boss gave him a glance but said nothing else as he continued driving.

Despite his silence, Boss was driving much slower than before.

How could Kenneth not know what Boss was thinking about?

“What's the matter? Are you waiting for your men to come and rescue you?” he asked.

“I don't know what you're talking about.”

Kenneth smiled at his reply, but he did not bother urging the other man to speed up.

Just as Boss was finding Kenneth's reaction strange, a car sped toward them from behind.

Thinking that the car was there to rescue him, Boss slowed down.

Alas, Boss was too late to realize something amiss about the situation—he only figured it out when the car was right behind them. He was about to speed up again when Kenneth's knife shifted. “Stop the car.”

Boss was forced to obey.

The other car soon came to a stop at the side of the road. After the car window wound down, Dave stepped out from the other car.

Kenneth and Dave did not say anything to each other. They only shared a look.

Then, Dave walked over to the driver's seat to look at the driver. In the next second, Kenneth swung a punch at Boss. Just as Boss opened his mouth to moan in pain, Dave shoved something into his mouth and forced him to swallow it.

Boss sneered. “Ha. No wonder you weren't worried when I slowed down. So this is how it is. What kind of poison did you give me?”

Dave took his time answering, “Nothing great—just some kind of poison that Spencer developed. He hasn't named it, but I heard that it's quite potent, so I used you as a lab rat.”

Boss stiffened when he heard that, and he turned to Kenneth. “What now? Are we still going to get the antidote?”

“What do you think?” Kenneth threw the question back at him.

“Sit tight, then.” With that, Boss started the engine and drove off.

“Be careful,” was what Dave tried to say to Kenneth, but the car was gone before he could even finish his sentence.

Hence, he could only knit his brows as he watched the car disappear beyond the horizon.

Soon, the car went past the bustling city and drove into a remote area.

Kenneth scanned his surroundings while keeping an eye on Boss.

“What's the matter? Are you afraid?” Boss asked.


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