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Adorable Kids Asking for Bear Hug novel Chapter 675

Natasha paused briefly, slightly taken aback. Without turning to look at him, she asked in a calm voice, “Isn't Thalia your friend?”

“So you're doing all of this because of us, Nat?” Anthony answered with another question.

“That's not the sole reason,” Natasha replied.

“Then what else is it for?”

“She saved me in the past too,” stated Natasha.

“Are you referring to the time when you were in the hospital?” Anthony pressed.

Natasha nodded in response. “You can say that.”

Blinking at her, Anthony commented, “You sure repay every good deed that you've received, Nat.”

Natasha did not respond.

At that very moment, there were new motions on the computer screen.

A few video clips popped up.

“Is it ready?” Natasha asked.

Everyone's attention was turned to the computer screen.

Anthony clicked on the videos and watched them carefully.

“It's Thalia,” Anthony announced. “She's still wearing the same clothes that she wore when she left.”

Upon hearing that, Natasha immediately followed up with a question. “Can you find out where she is now?”

“Let me try searching for the time of her last appearance.”

Anthony pulled aside the videos one by one until there was only one video left in the center of the screen. The video was taken most recently. The person in the video had changed her outfit, but from her gait and posture, one could easily deduce that the person in the video was Thalia.

“Found it!” Anthony suddenly exclaimed. “Here.”

Natasha leaned closer to the screen. When she confirmed Thalia's familiar silhouette in the video, she knitted her brows. “What is this place?”

The three children were instantly intrigued. They shoved their faces closer to the screen, and Benjamin squinted. “This place looks a little familiar...”

“I think so too. It does look familiar,” Anthony affirmed.

Natasha turned to look at them curiously.

Benjamin quickly whipped out his phone and started scrolling through it. After a brief moment of searching, he showed the others his phone screen. “Look at this.”

Benjamin had pulled out a photo from his gallery. The background of the photo was exactly the same location where Thalia was spotted in the video.

Anthony looked at his brother. “Where is this?”

“It's the hotel that we stayed in when we first got here,” answered Benjamin.

Realization dawned on Anthony. “No wonder the place looks so familiar.”

“So, has Thalia gone back to the hotel to stay there?” Benjamin asked.

“I think so. I remembered when we first arrived, Thalia told us she would stay in that hotel every time she came here.”

Benjamin bobbed his head. “That rings a bell, for sure.”

All the while, Kenneth had been listening in on their conversation. When he heard the boys' conclusion, he took out his phone. “I'll give Spencer a call right away.”

“Daddy, wait,” Anthony called out to him and stopped him.

Puzzled, Kenneth looked down at the boy.

Staring up at him, Anthony explained, “Thalia probably left because of some problems between her and Spencer. I know what she's like. Since she has decided to leave, that means she has probably decided to never cross paths with him. If Spencer suddenly shows up at her location, Thalia will hide somewhere else, and that'll make her impossible to find!”

A crease appeared between Kenneth's brows as he listened to Anthony's analysis.

Natasha nodded. “Anthony's right.”

“Then what do you guys propose we do?” Kenneth asked.

“Perhaps I can go meet Thalia in person first to have a chat,” Anthony suggested.

“Thalia cut off the signal on her phone to forbid the three of us from contacting her. Will it really make a difference for you to see her in person?” Benjamin asked.

“It's worth a shot. We can come up with something else if it doesn't work.” Anthony shrugged nonchalantly.

“I'll go with you,” Natasha offered.

Anthony turned to look at her and nodded. “What about Spencer?”

“We'll go to her first. Kenneth, you can inform Spencer, but make sure that he doesn't exacerbate the situation with any rash actions,” said Natasha.

With a curt nod, Kenneth left to make the phone call.

“Let's go.” Natasha stood up and looked at Anthony and Kenneth. Her firm tone left them no room to hesitate.

“Nat, let us tag along.” All of a sudden, Denise spoke up. “I'll just sit in the car and not disturb you.”


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