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Adorable Kids Asking for Bear Hug novel Chapter 749

Meanwhile, at Vermillion Base, Boss stared at the dead body on the ground.

His yellow eyes were indescribably dark and sinister.

After they left the place, he ordered some men to retrieve Gavin's body.

As he studied the latter's bloodless face that had even drained into a sallow yellow, the events that transpired that night played on a loop in his head. That went doubly for the moment when Kenneth fired a shot at him.

He closed his eyes, his hands balling into fists by his sides. It was not until he had managed to compose himself did he slowly open his eyes again and said to the man beside him in a lowered voice, “Bury him and compensate his family.” After saying that, he draped the white cloth over Gavin's body.

Seeing that, the others around him stepped forward and took the body away.

Boss stood with his back to the door while his subordinates looked on behind him, not daring to utter a word.

Everyone could tell that he was in a foul mood right then.

“How did things go at the house?” Boss asked all of a sudden.

As soon as his subordinates heard that, one of them stepped out and reported, “When someone on our side went over that day, he bumped into J, and a fight broke out. But according to him, the place exploded after he left. He was certain that no one escaped!” The man sounded beyond confident.

Boss whirled around and pinned his eyes on the man. “Is he sure about that?”

The man bobbed his head. “Yes. That aside, he ran into a man and woman when he came out. They were there to back J up. But at that time, he was in a hurry to leave, so he didn't confront them head-on. Mere moments after the couple went into the house, the explosion occurred. It's likely that they were all killed in the blast!”

The instant Boss heard that, his heart jolted.

“A man and a woman?” he repeated. His intuition screamed that the matter had something to do with Natasha.

With a nod, his subordinate revealed, “The woman was the one who was supposed to leave with us that night.”

Boss' eyes abruptly widened. Looking at the man, he immediately strode forward and grabbed him by the front of his shirt with both hands. “What did you just say?”

Having no idea where he had gone wrong, his subordinate hastily hung his head. “I'm merely reporting the matter honestly.”

Boss' grip remained firm on the man. His eyes were as wide as saucers, and disbelief was written all over them.

“He was certain that woman was her?”

At that question, the man dipped his head a fraction. “She had been to our base and killed many at the southern camp. Everyone remembers her well, so there's no possibility of mistaking her identity.”

Boss fell silent.

For some inexplicable reason, a sharp stab of pain assailed a certain part of his heart deep within.

Was it worth it, Natasha? Was it worth giving up your life for a man like him?

He felt as though his heart had been ripped open brutally. Admittedly, it was a feeling he had never experienced before. In that instant, an indescribable emptiness lingered within him.

A long time passed before he gradually gathered his thoughts and dropped his hold on the man. “Were any dead bodies found at the scene?”

“The scene has been wrecked to the point that it's in ruins. I'm afraid it'd be difficult to find anything,” his subordinate replied.

“Execute a search! I want definite results, even if it's an arm, a leg, or any part of the body. I want something found!”

Following that order, the man nodded. “Understood!” After saying that, he promptly left.

Boss turned back around and directed his gaze at the table once more. On it was a delicate necklace that sparkled brightly under the refraction of the light.

Natasha's countenance flashed across his mind.

Just then, someone walked in from outside. “It's bad, Boss.”

Boss pivoted and regarded the man with a dark look. In a low voice, he asked, “What is it?”

The man looked at him but appeared hesitant to speak.


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