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Adorable Kids Asking for Bear Hug novel Chapter 755

The following day, Thalia woke up groggily.

After a peaceful and restful night of sleep, she slowly woke up and stretched her body. As she was about to get out of bed, a thought suddenly occurred to her.

Wait a minute. Last night, didn't I...

At once, she threw the covers away and realized her clothes had been changed.

Suddenly, a vivid recollection of the moment when Spencer inched nearer to kiss her popped up in her mind, causing her lips to curl upward in a smile. Despite the joy that this memory brought her, she felt a twinge of confusion, as she couldn't recall what happened after that. Everything after the kiss seemed to be a blur.

Did we do it last night?

She glanced around the room, but Spencer was nowhere to be seen.

Thalia's brows furrowed as a determined look flashed across her face. I think I succeeded. Otherwise, who else could've changed my clothes? Besides, he did kiss me last night. Oh, he was so hot.

However, there was a niggling feeling in her heart. If we did it, then why am I not experiencing the same sensations that have been described by everyone else? I am feeling a deep sense of comfort and a weightless, airy sensation. Is this the type of feeling that is commonly associated with having sex? There's nothing different.

Suddenly, she had another bold thought. Could that scene from last night be part of a dream that I had conjured up as I slept?

Thalia jumped off the bed, eager to uncover the truth. She glanced over at the bedside table and saw the red wine there. Instantly, her worries dissipated, and she was able to relax.

It wasn't a dream. It was real.

Thalia's lips quirked up.

That was enough to dispel her doubts. She perked up and decided to look for Spencer.

How could he leave without waiting for me?

After taking a brief moment to freshen up, Thalia made her way to the laboratory. When she arrived, the room was empty. She reached into her pocket for her phone and called Spencer, but she soon heard the sound of his phone ringing from the table in the laboratory.

Thalia knitted her brows. Where did he go?

She stood in the corridor for a while until she heard noises downstairs. Pocketing her phone, she went downstairs.

Everyone was in the dining room, including Spencer, Kenneth, Natasha, and the three children.

Seeing her, Anthony greeted, “You're awake?”

Thalia gazed at Spencer instinctively before she nodded. “Yes.”

However, Spencer didn't look up and continued munching on his breakfast.

That sight caused Thalia to frown. What is he doing? Is he going to deny that we had sex?

Natasha's gaze shifted between Spencer and Thalia. She smiled and said, “Come and have breakfast together. It's not often that we can all be in the same place at the same time.”

Thalia nodded and walked over to them. There was an empty seat beside Spencer, so she naturally settled down in that seat.

“Did you rest well?” Natasha asked.

Thalia gave Spencer a quick, sidelong glance and nodded. “Yeah, not bad.”

Denise turned to look at her. “Thalia, why do you look strange today?”

Hearing that, everyone turned to look at Thalia.

Feeling guilty, Thalia immediately asked, “How so?”

Denise observed her carefully. “I can't put my finger on it, but you look somewhat hesitant today.”

It seemed that Denise's words had hit the mark, for Thalia sat up straight and replied, “No, of course not. I was just a bit disoriented after just waking up a few moments ago.” She reached for something nearby and hastily popped it into her mouth.

Spencer offered her a bowl. “Here, have this.”

Thalia was taken aback by his sudden gesture.

Her heart melted when she noticed he had offered her some food. She knew his character was different from others, so it would seem unreasonable for her to expect him to change after they had sex.

“Mm.” She bobbed her head and took the bowl from him.

Spencer ceased speaking and resumed his breakfast with a regal demeanor, his movements graceful as though he were a prince in his own right.

As Natasha ate, she regarded them silently. She couldn't help but smile to herself.


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