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Adorable Kids Asking for Bear Hug novel Chapter 775

It was nighttime, and Anthony had finished packing his things. After much hesitance, he still decided to seek Natasha's approval. He went looking for her and found her sitting on a bench in the yard.

Beneath the starry sky, Natasha looked relaxed yet elegant in her pale dress with a black and brown shawl draped over her. She appeared as if she was on vacation in a holiday retreat.

“Nat,” Anthony called out softly as he approached her.

Lifting her gaze, the woman noted Anthony's approach. “Why aren't you asleep?”

“It's still not my bedtime yet,” Anthony replied, then sat down across from her.

There were some snacks on the table before them that were all Natasha's favorite foods. Anthony assumed Kenneth must've prepared them.

Anthony leaned over and began to help Natasha remove the nuts shell with practiced ease.

As if used to him helping her, she poured him a cup of coffee. “Is there a reason you're looking for me?”

Anthony placed the peeled nuts in front of her and nodded, looking into her eyes. “Yeah.”

“What is it? Speak your mind.” Natasha lifted the cup of hot coffee to her mouth and gently sipped on it.

“I...” Anthony realized that whatever words he had assembled in his mind shattered under Natasha's gaze.

“You what?” Natasha raised a brow. “Since when do you hesitate to speak your mind?”

“I'm scared that you won't approve,” Anthony answered with an ingratiating smile.

“How do you know I'll disapprove if you never told me in the first place?” Natasha arched her brow. Her exquisite features seemed to exude a faint glow under the moonlight.

After contemplating briefly, Anthony stated, “It's like this, Nat. I want to start a team of my own, and I already have a list of candidates. Coincidentally, Thalia knows one of the people who meet my criteria, and that person is in our neighboring country.” He paused to study Natasha's expression.

Natasha took another sip of her coffee and raised her brow at his sudden pause. “What's wrong? Continue.”

Seeing that there was hope, he seized the chance to strike the iron while it was still hot. “I would like to make a trip there with Thalia.”

Natasha finished her cup of coffee and looked into Anthony's eyes. “That's it? Anything else?”

“Nope.” Anthony shook his head.

Scrunching her delicate brows, she asked, “Why are you telling me this? Just go if you want to. The problem is whether Thalia is willing to go with you.”

Anthony immediately nodded. “She said she'll go with me as long as you agree.”

“I don't see any problem with that,” Natasha consented.

“Does that mean you agree?”

“Yeah.” Natasha nodded without hesitation.

Anthony's lips curved into a smile, but he was still slightly worried. “T-Then, what about Daddy?”

“Ignore him. You can leave that to me,” Natasha said.

Anthony instantly placed the nuts he had finished peeling in front of her. “You're the best mom in the whole wide world, Nat!”

Dropping her gaze at the nicely-peeled treats in front of her, she felt as though they were reliving the times when he was still a young toddler. Flashing a tiny smile, she said, “You're the best son in the world too. Um, one of the best sons.”

Anthony beamed at her.

Suddenly, Natasha remembered something. “But how do you plan on getting there?”

“Thalia said it'll be too slow if we drive since the person is in the neighboring country. The most efficient way of travel is by helicopter.”


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