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Adorable Kids Asking for Bear Hug novel Chapter 843

People tend to be the most sentimental at night.

“You can't afford to get into trouble. You have a family, a loved one, and children. There are many happy days ahead of you. Unlike me, I'm single!” Dave looked at Kenneth.

“So you have already decided to sacrifice yourself, huh?” Kenneth asked, staring at him.

“No. Of course, I want to stay alive and live well. It's just that I'm afraid that something else might happen,” Dave immediately explained.

“When did having no family become the standard for sacrifice?” Kenneth asked. There was a trace of gloom on his aloof and pale features. “Dave, you should understand that this is my matter. Even if anything happens, I'll be the one to take care of the consequences, not you.”

“Of course I know that, but it's not just about you anymore. It's about DX Group and the lives and safety of many others now,” said Dave.

Kenneth, however, was not buying it at all and stared at him coldly. “There's no need for you to put it that way. If you already have such a thought, I can immediately tell you the plan is on hold now. I don't need you, and I certainly don't need DX Group either!”

“Without DX Group and me, how do you help Natasha get the antidote?” Dave questioned.

“Even if I have to break in there alone and kill him, I'll get the antidote back no matter what!” said Kenneth.

Dave looked at Kenneth with his deep eyes.

He knew that the latter was a man of his word.

After hesitating for a while, he looked at Kenneth and said, “What I'm trying to say is 'what if.' Do you understand? What if something beyond our control happens? None of us want to sacrifice ourselves. I still want to live a long life.”

Kenneth, however, remained silent.

That was because Dave's words had already touched his nerve.

In fact, he had been worried all the time ever since he got Dave involved in the matter.

Such words of Dave were undoubtedly making him wary.

Seeing Kenneth fall silent, Dave placed one hand on the former's shoulder and said, “All right. I take back my words. Is that okay?”

Kenneth remained silent as he grabbed the wine before him and took a sip.

“What with that look? Do I have to apologize to you?” Dave, raising his eyebrows, asked.

Suddenly, Kenneth turned to look at him. “Dave, if it really doesn't work, let's put the plan on hold.”

Dave narrowed his eyes. “Kenneth...”

“I shouldn't have dragged you into this from the beginning.”

“So, what, are you trying to sever ties with me now?”

“You know that's not what I meant.”

“Then just shut up.”

Kenneth was rendered speechless.

Dave took a deep breath and looked at him. “Kenneth, I know you've been upset for many years because of what happened with Zavier, but everything has already been cleared up. It wasn't your fault, and you should move on. Don't push yourself too hard or take everything so seriously. If you keep up like this, how are we supposed to communicate and talk in the future?”

Kenneth was unable to refute his words.

He admitted that Dave was right.

Even though what happened back then was not his fault, he still couldn't accept it.

“Kenneth, relax. Let the past be the past. I understand your thoughts. Don't worry. I will live well and even live longer than you. I want to see you holding your grandchildren with my own eyes. But remember, your grandchildren must also regard me as their grandpa. Even if we're dead, we should be buried together. Let your grandchildren take care of us in our old age and see us off.”


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