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Adorable Kids Asking for Bear Hug novel Chapter 853

Benjamin and Denise did not stay long at Lina's place.

After Magus' appearance, Denise spoke a few words and excused himself.

In the hallway, Denise and Benjamin walked together when Magus followed them out and said, “Wait a moment.”

Upon hearing the voice, Benjamin and Denise turned around and saw Magus walking straight toward them. Benjamin immediately stepped in front of Denise and asked, “Is there anything else?”

Magus watched with a hint of complexity flashing through his eyes as he noticed the subconscious action.

After sizing them up, Magus spoke, “I came out to tell you not to come looking for her again. No matter what methods you use, I won't join you.”

Benjamin chuckled lightly. “You're really overthinking it. If we really wanted to persuade you with this, we would have tried to convince Lina when you weren't here earlier and have her be the one to persuade you. Wouldn't that be better?” Benjamin asked, but his expression then turned serious. “You were thinking too much. We didn't come here for you.”

Magus looked at him with a mix of doubt and belief.

Just then, Denise came out and looked at him. “Magus, do you know what illness Lina has?”

Hearing this, Magus's eyebrows furrowed. “What do you mean?”

“Thalia's boyfriend is an incredibly talented doctor known as the “Miracle Healer” in the medical field. Many people want his help with their illnesses, but he's not that easy to hire. Yesterday, Thalia visited the doctor to ask about Lina's condition and sent the information to her boyfriend. Lina originally wanted her boyfriend to come and help, but our problems were unfortunately too distressful, and he couldn't make it here. However, he clearly stated during the phone call that Lina's illness is not a common one. It's a kind of depression that has already taken root in her heart,” Denise explained.

Regarding depression, there happened to be an actor playing a character with depression in the previous film Denise was in. When Denise watched the scenes on set, she often found herself moved to tears. As a result, she gained some understanding of the illness.

Sometimes the person may seem fine, but their life could be at stake at any moment.

Standing opposite, Magus narrowed his eyes slightly upon hearing her words. After a moment, he asked, “What exactly are you trying to say?”

“What I mean is, you've spent so much money on her treatment and accompanied her throughout, so she should have improved. Do you know why her condition has actually worsened instead of getting better?”

“Why?” Magus asked as she seemed to stir his emotions.

“Because the money you earn doesn't give her a sense of security. She's constantly on edge, fearing that something might happen to you while helping her with her medical treatment. She can't accept this reality. As a result, it only adds to her burden.”

Magus listened intently, his brows furrowing.

No one had ever said these words to him before.

At this moment, Denise stared at him intently. “Magus, you could say that you used the money you got from deceiving others to pay for her medical treatment, but the illness ultimately drains her life. This is the retribution for your actions. What you've done has led to her being like this!”

Magus's expression became even more serious and grim. As he looked at Denise, he was unable to speak for a long time.

Benjamin also added, “Magus, we all know that you've been hurt, and we sympathize with what you've lost. However, this cannot excuse you from staying stuck in the past. You need to try to move on. I suggest you find a proper job. Even if it doesn't pay as much as you're earning now, at least she will feel at ease. Otherwise, you might not even be able to keep Lina alive. As someone who understands depression, you should know their life and death can be a matter of a single moment or thought. Sometimes, you can't even see what the problem is. A small trigger can set off her emotions.”

At this moment, Magus was being directly criticized by the two children, and he could not refute them at all.

Seeing him remain silent, Benjamin spoke, “That's all we have to say. Take care.”

After saying that, he turned his head to look at Denise and said, “Let's go.”

Denise nodded.

And so, Magus watched intently as the two children walked away.

He stood there, somewhat unable to snap back to reality.

Denise's every word seemed to strike at his mind and heart. He had never considered these questions before. At one point, he even thought the doctor might be doing it on purpose.

So, it was all my fault... Hehe...

A cold smirk appeared at the corner of Magus' mouth.

He had done and offered so much but never expected it was all because of him.

In the hallway, his emotions were indescribably conflicted and ironic.


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