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Adorable Kids Asking for Bear Hug novel Chapter 969

“Wait.” At that moment, someone unexpectedly spoke up.

Luke shifted his gaze, looking toward them.

The person on the other side hesitated briefly before proceeding to drop the guns one by one onto the ground.

Upon seeing this, Boss furrowed his brows and sternly ordered, “Don't you dare drop them! Pick them up right now!”

The person leading the other group stared at him and said, “But Boss, what about you? Nothing is more important than your safety.”

“Cut the c*ap! Once you drop your guns, we'll lose!” Boss yelled.

The person looked on, his brows tightly knitted, seemingly unsure of his next course of action.

“Pick it up!” he finally yelled.

The rest of the other party hesitated, and at that moment, someone bent down to pick up a gun.

Seeing this, Luke fired a shot at that person. The individual was wounded and fell, though the injury was not critical.

“Why bother picking up what you've already put down?” he asked.


“Try picking up another one, and the next shot will land right here!” Luke pointed at a specific spot on Boss' body.

The leader of the other party watched with a furrowed brow.

Just then, Boss fixed his gaze on him and asked, “Do you remember what I told you before, no matter when...”

He didn't finish his sentence, but the way he looked into the other person's eyes seemed to convey everything.

The other person listened with a solemn expression, and then he nodded firmly.

“I understand,” he responded.

Kenneth looked on. Even though he didn't understand the meaning, he knew that this was their secret code.

Denying them any further opportunities, Kenneth suddenly grinned at Boss. “It appears they don't really care about you that much. Since that's the case, allow me to bid you farewell.”

Upon hearing that, Boss locked eyes with him, a subtle smile curling at the corners of his mouth. “J, do you believe that if I die, you won't make it out alive either?”

“Is that so?”

Boss chuckled lightly. “You can try. Having you accompany me in death might actually be worthwhile.”

Kenneth's gaze darkened. He knew very well that this person must have had intentions and a purpose in trying to return here. Yet, as fate would have it, humans were often stubborn. His gaze bore into Boss. “Since that's the case, allow me to send you on your way first.” With those words, he pressed the gun against Boss' forehead, slowly chambering a round.

Boss showed no signs of fear, his gaze unwavering as he said, “J, remember this, whether I live or die, I'll be a haunting presence in your life. You'll never escape me in this lifetime.”

Nevertheless, Kenneth remained completely unfazed. Looking at the man, he said, “It's a shame that that's merely your perception. As far as I'm concerned, you're as insignificant as a speck of dust, hardly worth acknowledging.”

Boss' expression shifted slightly at that.

For a strong person, this was probably the most hurtful thing to hear.

I see him as a rival, yet he didn't even consider me worthy of his attention.

At the thought of that, Boss' expression became even more grim.

Staring at Kenneth with eyes filled with resentment, he retorted, “Kenneth, spare me the pleasantries, you can try—”

Kenneth didn't waste any more time to bicker with him, his finger poised to pull the trigger.

However, right at that moment, a blinding burst of light suddenly engulfed them, accompanied by the rapid staccato of gunshots.


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