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Adorable Kids Asking for Bear Hug novel Chapter 985

The two of them were talking as they walked.

Naturally, Mike also heard it, but he didn't even get a chance to signal those two.

He turned his head to glance at Benjamin.

At that moment, Benjamin stood frozen in place as if he was stunned.

A moment later, when Benjamin turned his head to look at Mike. Upon realizing that, Mike immediately withdrew his gaze, pretending as if nothing had happened.

Benjamin looked at him, asking blankly, “Is the 'Boss J' they're talking about my dad?”

“Huh? What?” Mike feigned confusion as he looked at the boy.

Benjamin took a deep breath, his expression serious. “Mike, you know what I'm talking about!”

“No, I was a bit distracted just now, so I didn't catch that... What did you say?” Mike blinked, feigning ignorance with a smile. His expression was so convincing that it looked genuine.

Benjamin looked at him, then asked again with utmost seriousness and straightforwardly, “Is my daddy hurt?”

“Weren't you just asking me if Boss J is your father? Why the sudden change—”

“Didn't you say you didn't catch my question?” Benjamin immediately asked.

Mike was at a loss for words, pursing his lips and looking around.

Seeing Mike not speaking, Benjamin understood something. Then Benjamin thought about Dave's expression and understood something.

Benjamin nodded. “All right, I got it. Where's my dad now?”

“Kenneth's...” Mike hesitated.

Seeing Mike stuttering and unable to speak, Benjamin got up to leave. In response, Mike immediately stepped forward to stop the boy. “Where are you going?”

“If you don't tell me, I'll ask Mr. Dave!” Benjamin muttered.

“Dave is very busy right now, Mr. Benjamin. You shouldn't bother him!” Mike stopped him.

“Then you take me to Daddy,” Benjamin said, his tone resolute.

A troubled expression crossed Mike's face. “I think it's best I take you home, Mr. Benjamin. Your brother has already returned—”

“I'm going to find my daddy!”

“This puts me in a bit of a tough spot, you know...”

“He's my father. It's only natural for me to see him. How is that causing you trouble?” Benjamin asked him.

Mike looked at the boy, his brows deeply furrowed.

Seeing that he couldn't get any answers, Benjamin turned around and walked away, bypassing the adult.

“No, wait a moment, Mr. Benjamin.” Mike immediately followed.

“Don't stop me!” exclaimed Benjamin.

“If I'm not stopping you, then who am I stopping...”

“Get out of my way!”

Just as the commotion was going on, Dave approached them.

Upon seeing Dave, Mike immediately stood up. “Dave.”

Benjamin lifted his gaze, looking at Dave with an incredibly stubborn expression in his eyes.

Dave sighed, looking at the boy as he spoke. “Don't blame Mike. He's only looking out for you.”

The moment those words were spoken, Benjamin teared up. Those words indirectly confirmed that something really had happened to Kenneth.

“What exactly happened to my dad?” Benjamin looked up at Dave and asked, his eyes wide open with fear.

Dave hesitated for a moment, then looked at him. “Didn't you want to meet him? I'll take you there!”

“Dave!” Mike called out.

Dave glanced at him, then said, “If Anthony can handle it, why can't he?” Clearly, Dave's words were also meant for Benjamin to hear.

He was confident that Benjamin would be fine since Anthony was.

Benjamin listened quietly, not uttering a word on the side.

Dave narrowed his eyes, then looked at Mike and said, “You go ahead with your work!”


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