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Alpha Ryker's Little Witch novel Chapter 2

I stood by my bedroom window, watching as the sun gradually dipped below the horizon. The twinkle in my eyes was a clear appreciation of nature even as my mind ruminated over the day's happenings.

The heat that was brought forth by the yellow star began to ebb away, paving way for a warmth that promised a good night.

The setting sunbeams of light scattered all over, leaving the sky ablaze with the fire. It was indeed an undeniable beautiful site.

The sun rays painted the sky with a mixture of red and orange. The colours blended well with my fire yellow window curtains that were neatly drawn.

Watching the sun sink deep on the horizon brought some peace to my mind. The beautiful natural sight helped me push back the horrible images my very eyes had been subjected to earlier.

Earlier that day.

I had watched as the Alpha lunged, shifting mid-air into a midnight black wolf. The four-legged monster shook its fur, snarling at the man. IThe massive wolf went straight for the man's nose, separating it from the face.

My eyes refused to even much so blink as the man writhed and slithered in pure agony. The evil smirk on his face had been totally wiped out by my Alpha.

The sudden rapid flow of blood left my insides churning. My stomach contracted into a tight ball, forcing my throat to gag on my own bile. My wide eyes fed on the terror that unfolded, refusing to wander off. No matter how much I tried to look away, my two balls of vision remained transfixed with horror.

The screams of pain and hurt from the once brave man left a light ringing in my ears. I watched as he moved his right hand where his nose had been, trying desperately to press on that particular spot.

My alpha had different plans though, he went for the very hand, then embedded his sharp canines, cutting it off at the wrist. The amputation brought Jax to his knees, watching in horror as the big werewolf shook its head throwing his hand away.

He had this painful yet pleading look, and that disgusted me. He had shown the girl no mercy, no doubt in my mind that had we not intervened, he would have hurt her once again and killed her. So why was he pleading for the one thing he refused to grant the poor girl?

Speaking of the girl, I briefly turned to look at her. I expected her to throw up from the amount of horror the Alpha was unleashing. Instead, her previously fearful eyes showed some twinkle. She relished in the torture of her previous tormentor. She loved how the Alpha was killing the man painfully.

Just then, my attention was brought back to the Alpha and his victim. I watched in slow motion as Wolf's claws ripped off Jax's trousers, leaving behind blood-covered claw marks.

My mind refused to comprehend what was happening as Alpha Ryker's animal looked straight into the fearful eyes of the man. He then dipped his head, embedding his canines deep between the man's legs.

He bit off the man's manhood.

Jax's agonized earsplitting prolonged scream pierced through my ears. It was so loud and deafening, that the pack members ran straight to where we were. They had heard it clearly and by the looks on some of their faces, they were happy with what the Alpha had done.

The Alpha wolf stood tall, acknowledging his pack members,  looking around at his pack family. He was clearly asserting off his dominance, holding his tail high.

He then sank his canines into the man's neck. I watched as life left the man's once black eyes until the Alpha wolf withdrew his teeth. His maimed then body slumped, bleeding out on the forest floor.

His loyal pack bowed before him, showing every ounce of respect they had for the man. They knew what he was capable of, it was all there for them to see.

That was a warning, a very clear one at that. Alpha wolf then looked at his beta who was amongst the crowd. He stilled for seconds as his mind linked him, and then he walked off, the crowd making way for him to pass through in sheer silence.

Shortly, the beta walked closer to us then carried the girl bridal style. Must have been what the Alpha was mind linking him about. I was expecting the girl to put up a fight seeing as she had gone through so much in the hands of Jax. To my surprise, she eagerly held on to the Beta. 

But immediately their eyes had met, a collective gasp was heard among the people. Yellow light glowed around the two, a glow that showed one thing.

The two were indeed mates.

And soon the gaps turned into ululations, it was a norm in the werewolf community. Each time there was an additional pair of mates, people would ululate 5 times but for Alphas, the number of times was 7.

I didn't miss the looks of disgust the crowd was throwing my way. Of course, they would never acknowledge my attempt to help. I was just used to it all and so quietly, I began walking back to my parents' house.

I was happy because Jax hadn't hurt the Beta's mate more and sad because the Alpha had defiled my peaceful place. The part of the forest that I found peaceful, the place that allowed me to think and relax.

Only blood scattered on the forest floor, the blood of a monster. No way I would step foot into that place ever again.

As I stood by my window replaying what had happened earlier, I noticed that for once in my life I wanted to make a friend.

I wanted to get to know that girl, I wanted to help her through her pain. I wanted to heal her, make her feel whole again.

I was determined to know her name, it seemed that she was a member of this pack. But why hadn't I seen her before? I would indeed find out.

After watching the horizon turn from orange to red, I decided it was time to take a bath. My body needed such, maybe the warm water would rinse off the days' horrible memories.


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