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Alpha Sin novel Chapter 4

~Two years later~


I squinted whilst glaring at my parents across the dining hall. What were they thinking by dropping an announcement in front of thousands of people without my consent?

It should be illegal to do things without your child's consent. Maybe, I would set it as a law to abide by when I become a president.

But right now, it seems freaking impossible. Because I was freaking getting married to god knows who tomorrow!

Despite the dilemma I was in, I tossed my head back and let out a peal of laughter. Possibly, at how ridiculous the situation I was in seemed.

"It's great to know you are fine with it. I thought you would throw a tantrum." My mom smiled.

I was okay with it?

I was freaking not okay! I wanted to scream out. I wanted to throw a freaking tantrum as she had said but I couldn't due to the presence of some guests.

If I had known today was going to be the day my parents would announce my being auctioned away, I would have maybe prevented it by running away.

Although it didn't seem like they were selling me away to the feasters due to how they had announced it in a spicy way. Also, the feasters had even congratulated me because they were oblivious.

Knowing the kind of people my parents were, I was sure they had met with the stranger to discuss the price at which I was worth and had agreed on the one that interests them.

I know I would not be able to run forever even if I wanted to because my dad was a powerful man and had informants all over the state. However, I was sure I would hide before they got to find me.

"I'm still astounded," I murmured.

Then anger bubbled inside of me as I remembered what they had done. I snatched a napkin from the table and cleaned my mouth before glaring at both of them.

"You are doing this without my consent. It is unacceptable!"

"We are your parents. We have the right to do whatever we desire whether it's your wish or not." Father said.

I was not surprised. He had always found the opportunity to get me a husband since I finished high school. He was looking for every possible means to discard me and get a lot of funds in return. The money he would squander away in no time due to his excessive way of life.

My dad comes from a family of old wealth. He had inherited his father's- The third Earl of Thorns- estates after his demise. That means he was wealthy and didn't need anyone's help. Yet, he chose to connive with mom.

"Excuse me? You are my parents and of course, I have every right to do what I desire because I am of age!"

"Careful, young lady." Father cautioned.

"As long as you are under this roof, my darling we will do what we want with you," Mom added.

"Why are you doing this to me? I have always been a great child and didn't break any rules you laid down. Why do you want to sell me off?" I questioned, sniffing.

"It is not selling off and God forbid we do that to any of our children." Mother stated, glaring at me at my choice of word.

"It's practically the same thing, mom." I pointed out. "What I don't understand is why you are doing this."

"Because that is the best thing for you. It's better you get married now and bore children instead of waiting until you are older when men don't find you desirable anymore."

My eyes went wide at what she had said. I should get married to bore heir for the stranger I was being sold to?

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