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Alphas Baby novel Chapter 4

Allie screwed her eyes shut, thinking about what Nate said earlier. Not only that but also how her scent was neutral. Of course, it was. After all, she’s an omega posing as a beta. She couldn’t help but remember how it all went down.

"I discovered something,” The pack doctor said. He reached into the pocket of his torn-up jacket and pulled out a white bottle, the words blurry as they were written in tiny letters. Allie squinted her eyes, trying to figure out.-

“This will help you. Inside this bottle is a pill that can alter your scent. It only lasts for a month, so you have to make sure to take it every month.”

The omega stared at the bottle, and she gladly accepted it. What other choice did she have? It was that or saying goodbye to her life long dream. She had already too much taken from her, so Allie wasn’t ready to sacrifice her dream as well. Nervously she uncapped the top and peeked inside. The bottle was full of blue gel-like pills, and they had a pungent, neutral scent. Almost reminded her of those guards outside the packhouse.

"What's the difference between these and suppressants?” She asked as she screwed the cap back on tightly.

The pack doctor rubbed the sweat off his brow and pointed at the bottle. "Suppressants hide your scent; these pills manipulate it. You're a pure Omega, your scent is intoxicating for others, especially the Pure Alphas. They may also be rare but are possibly dangerous.”

She raised her eyebrows at the bottle and made a sound. Nothing made her feel inferior than the reminder that there’s someone out there—more potent and powerful than their kind and who’s interested in possessing her.

“Thanks for the reminder doc.”

He sighed. “I’m trying to help you here, Allie. There’s no other way. Like I said, your scent is of a pure Omega, but what if there was a way to make your scent change, so you were...safer? What if you were to smell like a beta? No one targets a beta.”

The omega was quiet as she thought about it. She furrowed his eyebrows before looking between the older man and the bottle in her hands. The more she thought, the more she realised that it’s the only way. “Do you think it’ll work?”

"Yes," The pack doctor was quick to answer. "I didn't think it was, but you see, it is. I was out late at night, looking for more herbs to experiment with when I tripped over something. I couldn't smell a damn thing. So I turned around and saw something that I'd never thought I'd see in my life. A dead Alpha Hell hound. What can kill one of those things?"

Her mouth fell open at that. What could have killed them? Only a pack of wolves strong enough could take down an Alpha like that.

“A dead Alpha with no smell?”

“That's what I thought! These creatures reek everywhere they go. Hell hounds have scent glands under the skin, correct? That dead guy was concealing his smell.”

“He had these pills?”

“Damn right!” The doctor exclaimed. “I found them in his bag. The ingredients to make these pills and no this bottle is just one of three that I got. I wanted to give it to you."

"You got three bottles from the dead Hell hound?" Allie shrieked.

"I know it doesn’t sound good when you say it out aloud. But we don’t have any more options left” The doctor rubbed his face. “Your brother...Never mind. I tried them out too. I took one, and within two hours, I felt like I could run miles, more than I could when I was your age. It was like taking a breath of fresh air.”

She scanned the bottle over and thought of all the possibilities that these pills could give her. With these, Allie could hide her pure scent and venture out more without fear. The suppressants she took were barely strong enough to contain how the omega smelled to others, but maybe these were stronger. “No one suspected you?”

The pack doctor shook his head, his beard bouncing as he did. “I went to the strange Alphas, and let me tell you; they are the ones who will make you shit your pants with just one look. Twice my size. But I had these pills to make me an Alpha, and they didn't even flinch at my scent. Just pointed, asked what I was doing outside the border, and I made up some story and got out. The pills worked, I tell you.”

Allie was amazed by the story, her eyes wide and mouth hanging slightly open in awe. And that’s how she started taking those pills from the past six months.


The next morning Allie exhaled a smooth breath. She raised her head, staring at the sky as the sun had not risen fully, the milky air in front of her mouth, turning to fog each time she exhaled. The omega gripped her ankle and stretched the front of her thigh, switching legs twice before bending down to touch her toes. It’s her stretching routine before she started running.

Just then she heard a loud whistle from behind.

“This is the view I would like to wake up every morning.”

Her relaxed body turned to a tense bundle of muscles and bones. The omega glared backwards through the gap between her ankles only to find the hellhound. Nate.

He jogged closer. His long legs made for an effortless gait. With a maroon tee and a tight black jogging pants, he smugly grinned at her. A black snapback pushed at his curls down to his neck.

Allie slowly rolled upright and turned to meet his eyes. How did he manage to track her down? Unlike others, the omega used the other side of the ground, the one closer to the dark forest to run.

“What are you doing here?” She gritted.

“This view is so cool!”

Part 4 1


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