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Alpha's Virgin Wife novel Chapter 2

King Dakota was known as the superior Alpha King of the seven mountains and six covens. The mountains was a basement for seven different packs while the covens belonged to the Vampire. Each pack had it's Alpha, and each coven had it's VampLord, but King Dakota was the ruler of them all. The superior Leader of every Alpha and Vamp Lord.

So many years ago, the werewolves - also known as the mountains lions - Vampires and Witches were not in good terms. They were always having a fight and had so many restrictions.-

The war lasted for a very long time until the wolves and vampires decided it was high time they put a stop to it. They decided to form a treaty so they can be over one governance. But there couldn't be more than one leader, thus, they decided to have a fight between a representative from each group with the winner becoming the overall leader. And while these preparations were going on, the witches vowed not to be a part of it.

A representative from the Wolves and one from the vamps stepped out for a fight and eventually, the Wolves won. So, the winner from there wolf became the superior Leader. That was King Dakota's grandfather.

The wolves and vampires formed new rules and constitutions for themselves, they did it collectively.

They all wanted peace and equality and since then till date, there had been no more fights between the wolves and vampires. But since the witches had refused taking part in the treaty, they were forever banished from ever stepping foot in their lands, and the witches took an oath never to have anything to do with the mountain Lions or blood suckers.

And so it has been for a very long time.

The superior leadership has long stayed with the Wolves, from Dakota's grandfather, to his own father, and then to him - himself - King Dakota.

But in all history, he appeared to be more different, powerful and brutal than his fathers.

Everyone feared him - the way he fought against the rogues and other enemies. He was too brutal and powerful and earned so much fear and respect from all.

But the Almighty King Dakota had only one problem. Well, maybe he had other problems, but this was the more critical.

King Dakota 1


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