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And Then There Were Four novel Chapter 5

Waking up Saturday morning, I had put a plan in motion on how I was going to approach everything while I was here. Damian and Allison made it clear last night that they didn’t want me here. Shit, Allison had made it clear a long time ago that she didn’t want anything to do with me.

So, instead of allowing them to bully me or get what they want, I was just going to do me. I wasn’t going to let them bother me, and minding my own business was the perfect way to do that. I would go into town and get things for my small cottage and stock the fridge. That way, I wouldn’t need to go into the house unless it was the garage to get my car.

Slipping on a pair of shorts and a tank top, I grabbed my shoes and purse and quickly head out of the cottage towards the garage. I would get the things I needed to survive without them, and then there wouldn’t be a reason for them to try and get rid of me.

As I snuck in through the back door, I noticed how quite the house was, and was grateful for the lack of people moving around. I didn’t want anyone to stop and question me about what I was doing.

Moving through the kitchen, I took the route my father had taken me through until I ended up in the garage. My sexy black car sat there by itself waiting to be driven. As I slid behind the driver seat, I ran my fingers across the black leather interior. My father had chosen my car perfectly and thinking about it made me smile.

We may not have had the best of relationships, but he was trying and that was what mattered. Turning the car on, I watched the display come to life. I had read of up on the car last night while laying in bed, and I was glad that it was equipped with GPS. It made things easier for me considering I had no idea where I was going.

After typing a few things in and saving the routes for later, I put the car in gear and pulled out of the garage and down the road.

My phone immediately began to ring, and looking down I didn’t recognize the number. Sighing, thinking it could be my father, I answered. “Hello?”

“Where the fuck are you going?” Damian’s voice was laced with anger, and I found amusement in the way he was acting.

“Why the hell do you care and how did you get my number?”

“Don’t change the subject, Ivy. Where are you going? You don’t just leave without telling someone where you are going… your father is worried.” He replied, trying to guilt trip me.

“That’s funny, because I sent him a text early this morning telling him I was going to the store today to get a few things. So, do you want to try again?”

There was silence on the other end of the line as I lied, trying to catch him in what he was saying. I hadn’t really texted my dad, but I was curious to know what he was going to say in regards to that.

“That’s besides the point.” I knew he was lying the moment he said it was my dad who was worried. I didn’t even know this man, and already he has made me want to pull my hair out since I have been here.

“Look, nice try lying, but I will be back when I get back. Don’t call me again.”

Hanging up the phone, I didn’t bother to hear anything else he had to say. Never had I considered that these four guys would be more trouble than they were worth. I didn’t even want anything to do with them and they were acting like complete assholes.

Perhaps, it was a male testosterone thing… who knows.

Pulling into town, I found that it was prettier than it had been the day before. I was looking forward starting school on Monday. It would allow me to be invested with my work and not having the free time to allow those guys to bother me.

The grocery store was packed, and it didn’t surprise me being so close to the campus. I could almost imagine the college students ransacking the ramen noodles, among other things making me wish that I had come earlier.

As I stepped out of the car, I heard by name being called, and turned to see Kate walking from the bus stop with a smile on her face. “Oh, hey Kate!”

“Oh my God. Is that your car?” She exclaimed running her fingers over it and smiling.

“Yeah, my dad gave it to me yesterday. Considering that it’s like a 40 minute drive to the campus. Are you grabbing some things too?” I asked her, seeing the large rucksack on her back.

Chapter 5 1

Chapter 5 2


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