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Anyone Dares Bully you, Call Uncles! novel Chapter 120

Upon hearing Lilly call her Jay, the head-hugging female spirit stared at Lilly, and said with a wheezing sound, "It's... Jastrensky, Jas-tren-sky!"

"Jastrensky... what a cool and trendy name! Do you guys understand? A bunch of bumpkins!"

The head-hugging female spirit seemed angry that others defiled her holy name and spoke in a stuttering voice.

Blake stared at the ghost on the screen, feeling a strange sense of familiarity.

Josh asked with a frown, muttering disdainfully, "Jastrensky... What an ironic name."

Upon hearing Josh's words, Blake suddenly realized where he had listened to the name.

Ten years ago, when he was sixteen, he joined that criminal gang and happened to deal with a big order.

The gang kidnapped a group of women and sent them abroad for work.

One kidnapped woman did not know what was happening and kept saying, "D*mn, I'm not from Dudroinia! They will punish you…"

The woman's name was the same as this, which was very resolute.

Lilly, who had listened to the female spirit's words, nodded and asked, "Yeah, Aunt Jay, how did you die?"

Blake could not help but chuckle, and the memories in his mind instantly disappeared.

The little girl looked serious, blinking her eyes, which made the female spirit furious.

"Shut up! My name is Jastrensky!"

Pablo slapped over and chopped off the head-hugging female spirit's arm.

Jastrensky screamed in pain, and her arm suddenly disappeared.

Pablo sneered, "Mind your words when talking to my disciple."

The head-hugging female spirit immediately nodded and hugged her head tightly.

Pablo, "Tulip, continue. "

Lilly said, "Hmm! Aunt Jay, where are you from, when is your birthday, and how did you die?

Lilly could not understand this name and felt strange that she could not get it right every time she said it.

The head-hugging female spirit said, "I'm tired."

She held back her grievances and emphasized, "My name is Jastrensky. I'm from Auberge of Ambrosia."

Pablo held a pen and did not even look at her, "I asked you to tell me your place of birth."

Jastrensky seemed embarrassed to mention her place of birth, and her voice was low and fast.

Lilly listened carefully and asked, "What did you say?"

Jastrensky said, "Marriott Village!"

Lilly thought momentarily and asked, "Oh, what's your real name?"

The little girl thought that Jay was just a nickname, as everyone called her Lilly, so she assumed that Jastrensky must have a real name.

Jastrensky hesitated for a while. Her original name was too common, and she did not want to say it.

But when she saw Pablo's sharp gaze and the knife in Blake's hand accidentally fell to the ground, Jastrensky was frightened and quickly confessed, "My name is Michelle Garcia, and my family is very poor."

"But living in Ambrosia has always been my dream. I have always felt that I am different from others. I was born with noble blood, but unfortunately, I was born in the wrong place."

Lilly curiously asked, "Did your dream come true after you went to Ambrosia?"


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