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Anyone Dares Bully you, Call Uncles! novel Chapter 1259

"You'd better give me a satisfactory explanation," Blake said coldly while resisting the urge to slap the King of Styx away.

Even Jean hadn't hugged his thigh before. He was angry that this fat guy did it first.

The King of Styx looked at Jean with teary eyes before blowing his nose on Blake's thigh.

"You sent someone to bring Little Hades home for dinner, but Little Hades suddenly decided to follow a soul to the Human Realm. She didn't wake up for a long time, and I touched her head to see if she was okay…" Suddenly, the King of Styx burst into tears. "I didn't expect her to turn into golden light and shatter into a million pieces!"

He didn't say he was almost scared to death.

Blake frowned. He took Jean's hand and stepped out of the door.

In a flash of golden light, they appeared in the Second Palace.

The King of Styx was still hugging his thigh tightly.

Huh? What happened? I was at the Fifth Palace earlier, but why am I suddenly home? He thought.

Jean was also surprised. Since when did Blake learn all these skills? Is he still mortal?

Meanwhile, the King of Transformation arrived at the Fifth Palace, intending to watch the drama. He saw no one inside.

What? That was a total waste of my time!

Blake listened to the King of Styx's description of the events again and looked at the scene of the incident.

"Stop howling. Lilly went to the Human Realm," Blake said.

However, Lilly usually went there with a teleportation formation. According to the King of Styx's description, it didn't sound like a teleportation formation.

"Is she okay?" Jean asked worriedly.

Jean hugged her shoulder. "Why don't we go and see for ourselves?"

The golden light flashed again. The King of Styx wondered if he should go along.

Everyone knew that it was a serious taboo to interrupt others while they were cultivating. He wondered what made him touch Little Hades' head and cause her to break.

If something really happened to her, would he be punished?

As the golden light subsided, Blake appeared in Lilly's room of the Crawford family residence.

His power had grown tremendously, and he had regained the teleportation powers he used to have. However, he still had to use the World Mirror to travel to the Human Realm.

He had barely regained his footing when he realized that the King of Styx was still hugging his thigh.

"…" This guy is such a pest!

"Let go!" he said, annoyed.

The King of Styx immediately let go of him. He wrinkled his nose and sniffed the air. "Wow! Grandma is cooking lunch!"

Even though he only ate it once, he could immediately recognize the scent to be Lilly's grandmother's cooking.


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