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Anyone Dares Bully you, Call Uncles! novel Chapter 1263

Lilly hurriedly returned to the Crawford residence.

Her body was already in the Human Realm, but for some reason, it was sealed in a certain place…

If she wanted to advance, she could not leave her body in the underworld while her spirit was in the Human Realm. A few days ago, she recalled her spirit and used the teleportation formation to go to the Crawford family residence.

It was the middle of the night when she arrived, and everyone was asleep, so she left the house. Later, she had a hunch she needed to astral project to complete the advancement, so she found somewhere to meditate.

In a neighborhood somewhere in Clodston, an old hovel stood defiantly in the blizzard. The snow had covered the roof tiles, and the brownish walls could barely be seen.

Next to the hovel was a tall old tree without any leaves. The branches were covered in a layer of snow.

A lamp was lit inside the hovel, as though the occupant was waiting for someone.

Lilly's spirit peeked into the window, and she was surprised to see Ivan sitting inside. Her body was on the bed, covered from head to toe by a thick quilt.

Ivan was reading a textbook. He absorbed knowledge like a sponge absorbed water.

"Ivan!" Lilly called out.

Ivan turned his head around and let out an imperceptible breath of relief. "You're back?"

He stood up from his chair. His extraordinary height made the room seem small.

"How do you know I'm here?" Lilly asked.

Ivan paused for a moment and smiled. "It was a coincidence."

He happened to notice something special about the hovel. When he went over, he noticed Lilly's body there, but her spirit was nowhere to be found.

Worried that something might happen to her, he occupied the room and guarded her. He also got someone to bring him his textbooks.

"Are you sure?" Lilly obviously didn't believe it.

Ivan wanted to poke her nose, but considering that they're grown up now, he thought he shouldn't touch a girl.

"Why are you here then? Aren't you afraid someone else might come here?" Ivan asked.

Lilly told him about her return. "I was in a hurry, and I knew that no one would come to this run-down hovel."

"How would you know?" Ivan was curious.

Lilly's smile diminished by a little. "When I got here, the old couple who lived here had just left."

The old couple passed away not too long ago, and their daughter had just returned to her husband's hometown for Christmas.


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