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Anyone Dares Bully you, Call Uncles! novel Chapter 1269

Lilly opened the front door. The cold outside was a harsh contrast to the warmth within the house.

The blizzard grew heavier. It was hard to even walk now.

Tears welled up in Lilly's eyes. "Uncle Cloud…" she called out softly.

"Uncle Cloud, why are you hiding here? Are you planning to give all of us a surprise? Everyone…. Everyone's waiting for you."

As Lilly spoke, tears began to fall. They fell to the ground and made little holes in the show.

Cloud was dressed in his military uniform, but it was covered in mud and blood.

He was trying his best to clean his wounded face, and he put his charred cap into the bag.

He wanted to look his best in front of his family…

Lilly remembered the young man who had eaten buffalo wings. Her uncle looked so mature in the military uniform, but he would not grow older anymore.

"Uncle Cloud!" Lilly was sobbing. As much as she tried, she could not stop her voice from shaking.

She hugged the frail man, but she dared not cry out loud. Instead, she kept on asking questions.

"Why are you so late, Uncle Cloud?"

"Was it cold on the way back, Uncle Cloud?"

"Are you hungry, Uncle Cloud?"

Cloud lowered his head dejectedly, at a loss for what to do. A long time later, he hugged Lilly with trembling hands.

"I'm sorry, Lilly. I didn't manage to bring you presents."

Lilly shook her head but said nothing. She allowed her tears to fall freely onto the snowy ground.

She was used to seeing separation, but this separation was her own.

Cloud sighed and tried to comfort Lilly. "Well, you know, I'm a soldier…"


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