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Anyone Dares Bully you, Call Uncles! novel Chapter 1319

It was quiet all around before Lilly reacted. There was no ghost beast here.

There were the most ghost beasts on Mount Everest. It could not be because the ghost beast had not found this place. It only meant that even the ghost beast dared not approach this place!

Lilly looked around cautiously and was alert. She felt like something was watching her.

At this moment, the small ghost beast on her shoulder happened to wake up faintly, climbed up, and sat on Lilly's shoulder. It rubbed its eyes with a confused look.

Suddenly, the fur all over its body exploded.

The small ghost beast struggled desperately, and its legs were trembling. It was obvious that it wanted to run at the first moment, but its legs went weak and could not run.

Lilly whispered, "Be quiet!"

The small ghost beast hugged its head while its teeth chattered. After that, it got into Lilly's collar and covered itself.

Lilly did not have time to look at it because she heard the heartbeat.

Lilly turned around cautiously and slowly but still could not see anything. Even the eerie fog seemed to have disappeared.

The surrounding mountains and forests became clear, but this clarity made Lilly feel terrified. She heard someone approaching her but could not see where that person was.

Thump thump! The heartbeat was getting more violent!

Suddenly, Lilly's back stiffened. She covered the small ghost beast on her shoulders, turned around, and flew out the pen of judgment!

As a result, Lilly found that a mummy-like woman had been attached to her back.

For some reason, Lilly subconsciously thought of a scene of a piece of human skin covering a body.

She took a few steps back, but the woman disappeared.

Lilly felt something strange but did not know what it was.

Thump thump! The heartbeat started again. It was closer this time. Lilly still could not see anyone.

She gritted her teeth and closed her eyes. She was so alert that she used her intuition to feel her surroundings.

There was a slight coldness approaching her left ear.

Lilly struck first. She held the pen of judgment and suddenly attacked toward the left shoulder!

A woman's scream sounded, and Lilly almost used all her strength. Ten teleportations were no match for one time of pen of judgment. She would be exhausted.

She moved so fast that the small ghost beast on her shoulders got thrown away.

"Who are you..." Lilly looked around and approached the small ghost beast to pick it up.


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