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Anyone Dares Bully you, Call Uncles! novel Chapter 140

Bettany took the name card from Jack and scrutinized Priscilla. "The school didn't tell us that you were coming."

Gilbert chimed in. "Lilly's homeroom teacher, Miss Flora, didn't give us any prior notice either."

Priscilla turned her head in the direction of Gilbert's voice. The sight of Gilbert in grey sweatpants made her heart race. "Oh... Sorry. Miss Flora must have forgotten."

"Are you sure?" Anthony came in.

Priscilla immediately blushed. Deep down, she was fangirling.


She put on her sultriest voice before replying. "Indeed. I came on behalf of the school. Regarding the previous incident, it was an oversight on the school's and my part. The principal told me to apologize in person."

Anthony didn't say anything. He shot a look at Jack. Jack got the message and left to call the principal.

"Have a seat," uttered Bettany.

Priscilla was dying to sit on the chaise lounge. But to comport herself like a proper lady, she picked a single chair across it. She offered a polite greeting to Bettany, "Have you eaten, madam?"

Inside Priscilla's mind, Bettany was the queen and Priscilla was Bettany's favorite princess. The queen was busy deciding which handsome knight should marry the princess.

"What do you think?" said Bettany coldly.

Priscilla was taken aback. "Oh, you must have eaten. Silly me. I'm such a klutz!" Her head even bobbed in a childish way.

Lilly stared at the female ghost above Priscilla's head, who was busy drooling over the handsome men in the space. One moment, it was peeking at the men among its fingers. And the next moment, it buried her face in its palm and giggled.

Pablo mocked. "It is inserting itself in its fantasy now." He leafed through the booklet in his hand. "Harem spirits are usually delusional. They often imagine themselves as the most coveted person in the world and everyone is dying to woo them. You can blame those ridiculous fan-fictions for that."

Lilly nodded. To get a better understanding of those fan-fictions Pablo mentioned, she decided to ask Josh to get her some later.

All of a sudden, Jack walked in, after having made the call to the principal. He whispered into Anthony's ears, whose expression turned grim.

Priscilla, meanwhile, was still putting on a self-important act. "They were just before me that day and I didn't intervene in time. Do you know how much it broke my heart when I saw those comments online?"

"Jack, escort her out," commanded Anthony.

Priscilla halted her performance. Out? Why? She was being such a kind girl here. Shouldn't they take pity on her and give her all the attention she craved?

"Come with me, miss." Jack beckoned to Priscilla.

Priscilla bit her lips and looked at Anthony woefully. "Mr. Crawford, did I do something wrong?"


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