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Anyone Dares Bully you, Call Uncles! novel Chapter 15

Seeing Hannah run into Lilly's room, Winona immediately followed her. She gently coaxed Hannah, "Let's leave now, sweetie. This is your sister's room…"

Polly was flapping its wings in panic when it saw Hannah rushing in. Polly squawked, "Caw caw! The spoiled brat is here! Send help! Send help!"

Winona furrowed her brows when she heard that

Was this parrot not taught manners? How could it call Hannah a spoiled brat in front of her face like that?

How ill-mannered!

Winona grabbed Hannah's arm and said, "Let's go downstairs and see Granny!"

Hannah struggled to break free from Winona's grasp and shouted stubbornly, "No! I want the parrot!"

Not knowing how else to appease Hannah, Winona could only try to persuade her again by saying, "This is your sister's parrot. If you want one, I'll buy one for you later."

Hannah stomped her feet in anger and yelled," No! I don't want a new parrot! I want this one!"

She clambered onto a stool and raised her hand to grab Polly.

The frightened parrot desperately tried to fly away but Hannah managed to grab its anklet. She pulled Polly down and grabbed it by its neck.

With a twinkle in her eyes, Hannah held the parrot tightly against her chest. She barked sternly, "Don't struggle, or else I will kill you!"

Polly had always been afraid of strangers, and it took the parrot 2 days to slowly get used to Lilly's uncles. At that moment, terror could be seen reflected in the parrot's little green eyes.

Polly squawked at the top of its voice, "Help! Send help! I'm roasted!"

Everyone downstairs heard the parrot's squawk and Lilly immediately got out from Bettany's arms.

She rushed upstairs without saying a word while Hugh turned to reprimand Liam. He said angrily, "It's Hannah again, isn't it? I've told you countless times to school her properly. What have you been doing all these while?

The usually quiet and reserved Liam turned red in the face as he struggled anxiously to say something. Unable to get a word out, he ended up following everyone else as they hurried upstairs.

Despite her best efforts, Hannah could not tame the parrot as it kept trying to break free from her grasp. It even managed to scratch Hannah's arms with its claws.

In a fit of rage, Hannah threw the parrot on the table and yelled angrily, "You won't behave? I'll show you! Take this!"

The parrot kept squawking incessantly.

Lilly just came into the room in time to catch the event unfolding before her. Her face turned red with rage as she rushed forward like a beast going amok.

Lilly said angrily, "Why are you hitting Polly? Stop it!"

Having been spoiled and sheltered like a princess her whole life, Hannah never had anyone saying "no" to her. Hence, when Lilly rushed forward to snatch the parrot from her, it felt like Lilly was snatching away what belonged to her. She roughly pushed Lilly away and bellowed, "It's mine!"

She held Polly so tightly in her hands that it looked like the parrot's eyes almost popped out.

Lilly was fuming.

She grabbed Hannah forcefully and pinned her on the ground with a loud thud. She then raised her tiny fists and started sending them flying towards Hannah.

The flurry of fists rained down on Hannah, hitting every part of her face. She could only scream in pain.

By then, the parrot had broken free from Hannah's clutches and fluttered away in fear. Feathers were left floating about in the air in its wake.

For some reason, despite being bigger than Lilly, Hannah could not retaliate. She could only cry loudly.

Everyone was stunned, they never expected a well-mannered and obedient child like Lilly to lose her temper like that. They quickly tried to break up the fight.

"Stop. Stop fighting…"

Lilly was able to sneak in a kick just as everyone finally succeeded in pulling her away from Hannah.

Hannah's wailing was so loud that everyone thought that it could collapse the ceiling at any time..


Zachary, Drake, and Josh peeped in through the door to watch the commotion. Drake and Josh just got back home. The three boys were stunned at what unfolded in front of them.


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