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Anyone Dares Bully you, Call Uncles! novel Chapter 152

Lilly searched for two days, but could not find her mother.

Soon it was time for her to resume school.

Lilly could only keep the matter of searching for her mother at the back of her mind, and could not help but zoned out during class.

"Lilly..." Miss Flora was doing the roll call, but she saw Lilly zoning out, she could not help but shout, "Lilly Crawford?"

The little cutie who used to always immediately responded loudly to the roll call was a little quiet today. Miss Flora assumed that she was still affected by the cyberbullying, and felt a little uneasy.

Lilly immediately raised her hand and said, "Here!"

Miss Flora was slightly startled, and sˇaid with a smile, "Very good, Lilly finally came to school!"

Even the adults could not handle cyber violence well. Miss Flora had been worried that the little girl would not be able to get out of it unscathed.

Fortunately, looking at her right now, it still seemed that she was still gentle and cute.

Lilly apologized very sensibly, "I'm sorry~ I made the teacher worry!"

Miss Flora touched her little head and said, "It's okay. Just as long as you're fine!"

"Okay, sit down, kids! Today we have a very important class, which is taught by the father of a kid in our class. Guess who it is?"

The children chattered instantly, and Lilly was also curious, whose father came to class?

Then Miss Flora saied, "Then I will not keep you guys hanging anymore. Today our entire kindergarten will participate in a drill called an explosion-proof drill..."

She explained what an explosion-proof drill was and what everyone needed to do, and then revealed–

"This anti-explosion drill would be conducted by the father of our classmate Lilly. Lilly's father is a very great soldier. He will teach us how to escape when we encounter gangsters, and finally show us how to subdue the gangsters!"

Miss Flora only mentioned Blake's identity and nothing else, but the identity of a soldier is already very remarkable in the eyes of the children.

The children immediately wowed, and looked at Lilly with sparkling eyes.

Lilly suddenly felt her heart bulging, so proud!

It was her father!

When she came in the morning, dad did not even tell her.

Excited, Lilly finally put aside the matter of finding her mother for the time being.

Her mind was full of dad now, and she could not wait to go to the field.

The children moved in a line, and Lilly saw the stage from a distance. Her dad was wearing an army green camouflage uniform, with his hands clasped behind his back, standing upright with a cold expression on his face.

Her father who was standing on the podium looked taller, with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes. Lilly felt that his father was the most handsome father in the world!

Standing behind Blake were two men who also wore army green camouflage uniforms, but Lilly, who was biased, felt that the two uncles were not as good looking as his father, and instead made her father looked even more majestic.

Lilly was very happy.

"Look, that's my daddy! That's my daddy~" Lilly could not wait to share, "The one who is standing right in front, the tallest one!"

Mia wowed, "Lilly, your daddy is so tall!"

The children pitched in, "As tall as a telephone pole."

"As tall as a traffic light."

"Taller than my dad."

"Taller than Michael Jordan!"

The children described the height of Lilly's father one after another, and the children's words were very innocent.

Blake did not squint, and beamed slightly.

Seeing the Pineapple Class students passing by him, he lowered his eyes slightly, and locked his eyes on his little girl at one glance.

Lilly was also raising her head, nervously saying hello quickly, "Hi, daddy, daddy!"


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