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Anyone Dares Bully you, Call Uncles! novel Chapter 163

Pablo frowned, "There were laws in the world, and there were rules in the underworld. If you don't go to the underworld when it's time to go, if you miss the time and become lonely ghosts, you will be killed directly."

After a person dies, he will be detained by the angels, and then go through the process to verify their identity, and then will be taken to the judgment process after confirmation.

When they arrive at the designated place, they will be taken to the underworld by the angels, or sent to heaven after verification, or directly sent to get their memories erased and then go to reincarnation.

Or be taken to the palace of Hades, interrogated and sent to hell to be punished...

Those who refused to leave or did not have household registration and other special circumstances to stay in the human world will eventually lose their souls.

In short, everything had strict regulations.

The ghosts wandering in the world did not meet the regulations, and anyone who saw them could be killed.

The female ghost repeatedly pleaded, "I know, I know… But my two children died so pitifully, I just want to find some blessings for my children, so that they will have a good pregnancy in their next life..."

Lilly asked curiously, "How did you die? Also, what do you want to say, grandma?"

The female ghost began to cry and tell.

"A year ago, I was still pregnant with my second baby, and I crossed the road with my other child..."

Because the traffic light was too far away, she felt a little lazy, and saw that everyone else was crossing the road, so she also took her elder child—that is, this little girl—to walk through the road...

"There were no cars that day, but who knew that there was a loud noise in the distance, and we already flew out before I could react."

Her daughter died together with her, and her pregnant belly was crushed and ruptured on the spot, and the fetus was not spared either.


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