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Anyone Dares Bully you, Call Uncles! novel Chapter 168

Blake weaved through the crowd quickly, and saw a head bobbing about the water.

Even more strangely, there were two girls sobbing their hearts out. Both of them were drenched.

He had heard that there had been two girls who had fallen into the water. Had they been rescued already.

A middle aged woman shouted, "Give me back my daughter! My poor daughter!"

She panicked as she spoke, insisting on getting into the water.

Blake pulled her out of the way at once. "Don't you go in there!"

The lady refused to listen, insisting on going in. "My daughter, please save my daughter!"

But, there were a few old uncles and aunties shouting by the shore, "No, it's a man… there's a man too!"

So was it a man or a woman?

The middle-aged woman shoved Blake away, and was promptly yanked back.

He asked sternly, "Can you swim?"

The lady shook her head.

Blake said, "Don't go in there. Wait here for me. Got it?"

Upon speaking, he jumped into the water. There was a life at stake here, and time waited for no one.

Blake rowed in the direction of the floating head.

Only for the middle-aged lady by the shore to jump in anyways. The water's edge was shallow but got deeper as it went further into the center. She walked along the edge, shouting, "My daughter, save my daughter!"

Before she could finish, she lost her footing and slipped and fell into the river!

The lady cried out in panic, struggling and flailing her limbs.


Blake was nothing but annoyed. He'd told her not to come in, she didn't know how to swim— and she'd done it anyway.

He stared at the head in the middle of the river. It had stopped moving.

The middle-aged lady was closer, only two meters away.

If he were to save the person in the middle of the water, the lady might be dead by that time. The person in the middle of the river was already unmoving, and most likely dead.

Blake would obviously choose the person who was more likely to survive. One would usually prioritize that factor when saving someone, not who was more deserving of being rescued.

Blake swam back at top speed, raising the woman and hauling her to the shore, before swimming off into the middle of the river.

The woman fell into the mud by the river, crying out once before she was yanked ashore by the people nearby. Her cries could still be heard from a distance.

Bettany and Lilly could not match Blake's speed, and had only reached the shore now.

Lilly looked to the shore, and panicked at once.

"Daddy, Daddy!" She ran down.

Bettany freaked out at this. "Lilly, don't go down there!"

Lilly turned around. "Don't worry, Grandma! I know what I'm doing. You stay safe!"

Upon speaking, she ran off.

Bettany did not know what to do. She herself could not go down, that would only add more trouble.

She clutched her remote controller, backing her wheelchair up half a meter. There were too many people by the river— she would only cause more trouble if she were to fall in.

Bettany retreated to a safe spot, flagging down a passer-by to watch over Lilly.

Lilly was a pretty fast runner for how short her legs were, and reached the shore in no time. She did not act rashly, and merely cupped her hands by her mouth to shout, "Dad! Come back!"

A man ran over, hoisting her up. "Don't go running around, little girl!"

The winds by the river were strong, and Blake could only hear himself rowing. He had reached the middle of the river, and reached out to grab the floating person.

The second his fingers closed around the person's clothing, all Blake could feel was a sticky, slippery sensation.

He found that very strange. This person had just fallen into the water. Why did they feel mossy and slimy, like algae had begun to grow on them? The person was on their back, exposing a pale and lifeless face with upturned eyes. It was a terrifying sight.

It was a man.

Blake got a shock. Just then, he felt something wrapping around his ankles and pulling him into the water!


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