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Anyone Dares Bully you, Call Uncles! novel Chapter 195

At midnight, in the tall building opposite Cherry Inn, a boy moved a small stool and was sitting on the balcony of the dormitory playing games.

He glanced up only to see a girl in a red dress opposite him climbing onto the balcony.

The boy's pupils shrank and dropped his phone.

The night was silent and he could hear everything clearly. The girl in the red dress raised her head and glanced at him faintly.

She smiled strangely, and jumped off the balcony!


The boy was terrified and screamed uncontrollably. The scream pierced the night.

It was a holiday, and the Crawford family was very lively.

Needless to say, Edward and Liam must be on vacation.

Gilbert was still on duty and would not be back until night.

Anthony was working at home, Jonas was also there, and Bryson would not be back until tomorrow.

Liam and Cloud was a member of the national scientific research department, and researched nature respectively, so they cannot go back during vacations.

Lilly didn't know what the sixth and seventh uncles were doing. He only knew that she had met them once in South City, but he never saw them again.

In the kitchen, Blake was chopping minced meat.

Margaret moved the materials for making dumplings to the dining room. Lilly and Hannah sat on the small stools, holding a small dumpling in their arms, and were tightly tying it.

Mrs. Crawford said, "Lilly, Hannah, be careful, the bamboo stick is very sharp..."

They used leaves to make the dumplings, and they made five-spice meat fillings, red and blue meat fillings, which were salty rice dumplings. In addition to salty rice dumplings, they also made red date fillings, bean paste fillings, and other sweet fillings.

The salty rice dumplings were also tied with thin strips of bamboo, which was a very orthodox method in the south, while the sweet rice dumplings are made of thin ropes so that they sweet rice dumplings can be distinguished from the salty rice dumplings.

Lilly said, "Don't worry, Grandma, I will make the dumplings myself. Uncle Anthony said he wanted to have two dumplings, Uncle Liam and Uncle Edward wanted to have eight, Uncle Bryson wanted to eat two, and Uncle Jonas wanted to eat 11... "

There's also Josh, Hannah, Drake, and Zachary.

Grandpa and Grandma, Daddy, Mommy, Polly, and Tortoise...

She counted the dumplings she had to make and there was a lot.

Mrs. Crawford laughed helplessly, "How many do you want to eat, Lilly?"

Lilly snorted, "Oh, I almost forgot to count mine in! Uhh... I want to eat five, six, seven, no, eight dumplings!"

Mrs. Crawford happily said, "Then let Margaret pack them, it's too much."

Lilly insisted, "I want to pack too!"

Hannah was holding a dumpling, which was wrapped in four or five layers of leaves, but the stuffing was still exposed, and she scratched her head anxiously, "Can't we cook all of this in one pot and just eat it?"

They all had to be eaten anyway, so why bother to wrap another layer of leaves

It was also troublesome to peel it off when eating!

Lilly looked like a little grown-up, "Hannah, you don't understand, this is called tradition!"

Mom said following tradition is essential.

Hannah was impatient, she made two dumplings and still failed, she was so angry that she threw down the rice dumplings and said loudly, "No more! I don't wanna pack any more dumplings! If I ever do it again, I'm a dog!"

Even if her sister was here, it was still useless!

Hannah was so depressed, she only came here when she saw Lilly there.

Lilly giggled, "Hannah, you will suffer if you swear!"

Margaret also laughed and said, "If you don't wanna do it, then I'll do it,"

Hannah dropped her things and ran to the living room, picked up her phone, and played with it...

Liam came down from upstairs, holding two books in his hand.

Hannah's expression changed immediately, and she said immediately, "Dad, I'm going to make a dumpling!"

Lilly looked up, "You can't, Hannah. If you do so, you'll turn into a dog!"

Hannah did not care, even if she became a dog, she still did not want to know how to do it.


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