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Anyone Dares Bully you, Call Uncles! novel Chapter 469

As the 'chains' on Lisa's body were completely cleared off.

Lisa's stiff, outstretched arms fell limply to her side, but she remained standing upright in the coffin staring straight at Josh.

Wherever Josh went or whenever he moved, her pupils would spin in that direction and follow after him.

Josh was not the baby he had been back then anymore. Lisa seemed to be making sure that it was him, over and over again without getting tired or bored.

Drake said, "Let's go back first!"

Lisa's pupils spun around at his voice, staring at Drake this time.

Drake was a little uncomfortable, even if the woman before him could be his mother.

But he was a lot calmer than Josh, despite being unable to help thinking that she was still a zombie from the sight of her hopping around in the coffin with her arms stretched out…

Lilly asked, right on cue, "Master, is Aunt Lisa still a zombie?"

Pablo shook his head, falling silent for a beat before saying, "She's an undead."

She couldn't be considered a human being anymore.

Pable sighed to himself. Rescuing Lisa, and letting her spend the rest of her days with Anthony, Drake and Josh as a happy family…

This was never going to be the ending they would get.

"Am I supposed to be afraid of getting close just because she's a zombie?" Josh asked softly.

He mustered up the courage to walk up to Lisa, reaching out a hand to get closer to her…

At last, he held one of Lisa's fingers.

Lisa's neck was still stiff and upright. She lowered it with several cracks, staring at her finger in Josh's grasp. Her eyes flicked with something more, but returned to confusion.

"...Mom," Josh called out, testing the waters.

Despite never having done a paternity test with her, he had a feeling that this was his mother for sure.

Josh found that he could not bring himself to hate her at all. Any of the resentment from the past he had had from wondering why she had abandoned him and his brother, disappeared all at once.

Josh could feel an overwhelming feeling flooding his chest the moment he held her finger, a feeling so heavy that he could hardly breathe.

Josh felt as if there was a peace of cotton lodged in his throat, his voice shaking as he teared up. "Mom…"

Lisa did not respond, continuing to stare at Josh's hand holding her finger.

Josh wiped his tears away, smiling at her. "Let's please go home?"


Lisa's gaze turned at last, moving up to stare at Josh.

Drake could not hold it in at the end, walking up to say, "Let's go… this place could cave in any second. We shouldn't stay here for too long."

Upon saying the words, he paused before glancing at Lisa. Just like her, he did not say a word, turning to leave.

Lisa stood right where she was, stiff as a board and completely unmoving.

Josh tried to tug at her, only to realize that he could barely move her at all. It was like pulling at a five-hundred-tonne weight…

He stopped short. "Lilly, can my mother not walk?"

Lilly was currently squatting in front of where the incense stick had been burning, sifting through the ashes and soil to make sure that no bugs were left.

After all, her master had said that bugs like this were extremely evil and dangerous.

She saw a caterpillar passing by, and slapped an amulet on it at once. The caterpillar had barely reacted when it disintegrated into ashes.

Pablo's mouth twitched in amusement at the sight— that was just a regular caterpillar!

After making sure that there were no bugs that were still alive left, Lilly returned to her senses, lifting her head with a, "Huh?"

Drake: Has Lilly been infected by Zachary's late response motors?

Pablo grunted, asking again, "I said, can my mom… not walk?"

Lilly raised her head to look at Lisa.

The coffin was sunken in pretty deep. She was current standing in it unmoving, at about eye level with Josh.

"I think she can't hear you." Lilly gave it some thought. "Master said that the undead aren't zombies. Aunt Lisa can climb up by herself, but she might not know that she can."

Josh nodded. So that was the case.


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