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Anyone Dares Bully you, Call Uncles! novel Chapter 49

While Lilly got information on the incense, she had no idea that the appearance of the flame on top of a head represented imminent death.

All she got from Pablo was that the person would die when the flame burned to the end of the incense.

Feeling that time was not on her side, Lilly urged the adults to hurry up. She needed to save Ivan before the incense on top of Ivan’s head burned out.

The firepit and ritual paper were not a problem. The family owned a brazier and papers on which she could scribble sacred texts.

Nevertheless, Ivan’s clothes proved a difficult feat.

It struck Melody that she had a shirt belonging to Ivan in the car. She ran off to retrieve it.

Now that everything was ready, Lilly burned the papers over the fire and lit a candle at the door.

A panting voice from the entrance intruded as Lilly was about to begin. “Stop!”

Karen arrived on the scene to find Ivan lying on the ground. Next to him, a girl was holding a bundle of papers. She freaked out.

“This is nonsense!”

Furious, Karen picked up her cane and smacked the ritual papers out of Lilly’s hands.

It happened so quickly. Before everybody knew it, Karen was hitting the girl with a cane.

With the back of Lilly’s hand taking the blow, she flinched in pain and dropped the papers to the ground.

Her hand turned red.


The pain drew tears out of the girl’s eyes.

Well, the tortoise never foretold anything about this. Why was she struck?

Melody cried in panic and anger, “Mom! What are you doing?”

She charged in there and came in between Karen and Lilly.

Colton curtly blurted, “Get out!”

Karen was not having it.

Behind Karen, Anthony and the white-browed practitioners turned up.

Karen happened to run into Anthony who was on his way home. That was how she was able to gain access to the Crawfords’ residence.

Anxious for her grandson, the old lady made a mad dash into the house despite being on a cane.

Since Master Sullivan fancied himself an unworldly being, he would not flounder around. Hence why he sauntered along with Anthony in the back.

Anthony scowled the moment Karen raised her cane at Lilly.

“Old Mrs. Shaw, I let you in because your grandson is here. I didn’t let you enter our home to hit Lilly.”

Karen was all about respecting elders. It did not sit well with her that someone younger like Anthony gave her a telling-off. Still, her focus was on Ivan, so she would pretend she did not hear that.

“Quick, Master Sullivan. Ivan is here!”

With a long face, Anthony asked Margaret to retrieve the first-aid kit.

Bettany flipped out.

So Karen was going to play the age card and act dumb, huh?

The Crawfords were not going to take this sitting down.

“Old hag! Apologize to Lilly now!” Bettany could play the old lady at her game too. She lifted her leg and kicked her loafer away.

Smack! It was a bull’s eye right on Karen’s face.

It never crossed Bettany’s mind that she got a good aim. She was stunned, to say the least.

Karen nearly lost it after being slapped in the face by a loafer. This was an emergency. Why were the Crawfords fussing over the littlest issue?

“You… Colt, take Ivan with you. We’re leaving now!”

It was not like she wanted to be at the Crawfords’ residence.

Karen would not be here if it were not for her grandson.

To her dismay, Colton grabbed Karen by the collar and dragged her out. He curtly uttered, “You go.”

Getting worked up, Karen took advantage of her position as a senior and lay on the ground. She shouted, “Fine! Fine! Come on. I’m not a mother to you if you kick me out!”

She kicked up a huge fuss!

Shaking his head, Master Sullivan made an enigmatic face and uttered, “It’s too late.”

Lilly held Ivan’s hand and said urgently, “Mister, it’ll be too late if we don’t save Ivan now.”

Master Sullivan frowned and glanced at Lilly.

The little phony psychic was copying him.

The little girl knew no shame to repeat after him.

Master Sullivan then moved his gaze to the brazier, the papers burning in the pit, and the shirt in her hand.

He scoffed.

Hearing that it was too late, Karen urged, “Please, Master Sullivan. Please… Save my grandson!”

Instead of using her age against the Crawfords like before, she showed nothing but sincerity toward the practitioner.

Despite Colton and Melody objecting, Karen threatened them with her life and held Colton and Melody down by their feet to buy time for Master Sullivan.

Master Sullivan sighed. “Seeing that you’re in a spot… I’ll help you. Sable!”

His disciple in the back answered and set up the ritual right away.


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